Rise of the non-religious: Due to science-based reasoning or just disgust of pederastic priests?

And when a xtian says, “I think of them as the Atheists. I also thing most of them have their heads up their asses. But that’s my opinion,” how do you react?
I’ve seen you react with vehemence on numerous occasions here in the debate forum when a xtian provides an “opinion”.
Sort of “do as I say, not as I do,” IMO.

Uh, first, calm the fuck down, take a deep breath…now, let’s not get carried away.
Firstly, one must qualify “ a staggeringly high number of brilliant notions…”
Considering the fact that expectations of the intellectual productivity of a certain named individual are exceedingly low, any “notion”occurring would indeed be a staggering event.
Shockingly, it appears it is necessary to explain that the original comment was likely, but not necessarily, an example of rhetoric. This has nothing to do with your perverted friend Roderick, by the way.
Now that I have deflated your disturbingly inflated ego, you are free to resume your navel contemplation activities…

Edit to review commitment recommendation

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I do have my head up my ass? What’s the problem? If I was a Christian, certainly I would think that way. Wanna sit and discuss it?

I think believing in flat earth theories, lying about bible scripture, vampires, witches, women being lesser beings, unicorns, dragons, a magic man who can’t die, and a sky wizard would greatly qualify as having ones head way WAY up their ass.

Oy, my point is that you seem to be engaging in the same behavior about which you jump Xtians’ asses. I have no problem with folks telling Xtians to cut that sort of behavior out but I do think it’s offensive to bitch at someone for doing it then turn around and do the same thing themselves.

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Specifications please.

…(heavy sigh of relief)… Oh, thank somebody’s god! You really had me worried for a minute. I was afraid people would start expecting me to write important books and speak at lectures and stuff like that. That would seriously cut into my naval lint collection time. Damn near gave me a heart attack, and I just recently loaned my heart to Straw Boy. Would feel rather bad if it stopped while he was using it.

(Edit to practice signing autographs.)


Uh, sorry to have to break it to you, but the word already got out (I have no idea who the chatterbox bird was ),and now there are thousands waiting with bated breath for your next utterance… (sure hope he bought that “I have no idea” line). I guess you will just have to assume the mantle of “genius idea man” and wear it proudly…(there, that should re-inflate his delicate ego)

Edit: Genius is pain

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My personal foray into atheism is due to personal experience and backed up by scientific reasoning. For example thanks to data and statistics shared over the internet I can see trends that support my hypothesis that there is no god even though my Bible belt community would stone me or burn me Alive if they could for thinking there is no God. But it has nothing to do with the immoral actions of clergy or other religious peoples. Only my own personal reasons and the wealth of data I have to back up my reasons.


It’s the “secular government” laws that keep Jehovah’s Witness from putting me to death.


Wow! We really have something in common…it is also the “secular government” laws that keep me from assaulting the JW’s when they come to my peaceful rural location with their inane babbling…:shushing_face:

Edit to administer EIT


Hahahahhaha :rofl::rofl::rofl:.

Oh god! Thanks.