Jesus Pareidolia

The “dog butt” will always be the best pareidolia because it represents if the dog relieves himself, the sh*t is spewing forth from Jesus’ mouth, enough said!


Here is an image of Satan in the cloud followimg the collision at the World Trade Center.

See below:

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If God is ridiculed and mocked, it’s because of the damage done in the name of religion.

Also, if God is all-powerful and created the Universe, then mocking and/or ridicule won’t hurt Him (or Her).

Which deity are you taking about, you’ll need to be specific? Only I have never seen anyone ever mock Mācuīlcōzcacuāuhtli (the Aztec god of gluttony).

Oh, you want a straight explanation of why we subject your cartoon magic man to wholly deserved satire?

Try the following, Looby Loo.

Item one: your cartoon magic man has only ever been asserted to exist, and within the pages of a Bronze Age mythology known to be littered with farcical elementary errors about the natural world into the bargain.

Among the more hilarious such errors, we have the failure on the part of the nomad authors of your Bronze Age mythology to count correctly the number of legs that an insect possesses, the fatuous classification of bats as birds, and the excrementally banal assertion that genetics is purportedly controlled by coloured sticks.

That last assertion was utterly destroyed by a 19th century monk, whose landmark scientific research not only taught us how genetics actually operates, but laid the foundations of modern genetics as a properly constituted scientific discipline.

Apparently your cartoon magic man, if it ever existed, was not only incapable of telling its favourite tribe of Bronze Age nomads the genuine biological facts pertinent to genetics, but was also insufficiently “omniscient” to foresee the emergence of said 19th century monk and his diligent scientific experiments.

Item two: your cartoon magic man is further asserted within the pages of said sad little Bronze Age mythology, to possess contradictory and absurd properties, and can be dismissed on those grounds alone, even without reference to the farcical errors in said mythology I’ve just covered.

Item three: despite this litany of absurdity, mythology fanboys who treat this drivel uncritically as fact, posture as being in a position to lecture the rest of us on the supposed “truth” of this risible mythology, and indeed mythology fanboys are associated with a long and sordid history of murderous enforcement of conformity to doctrine.

That they would not have needed to engage in said carnage, if the mythology in question was something other than a mythology littered with banal assertions, is an inconvenient fact that your ilk in the present try to pretend does not exist.

Indeed, as part of the duplicitous propagandising for this foetid little mythology, your ilk in the present routinely resort to specious and utterly cretinous ex recto apologetic fabrications, including outright lying about valid scientific discoveries, in a manner that is frequently both pathetic and infantile, even before we factor into the equation that your mythology contains a full blown Commandment, purportedly from your god, forbidding lying of this sort.

Funny how so many of your ilk regard that Commandment as discardable, when peddling lies about such topics as evolutionary biology, prebiotic chemistry and cosmological physics.

By contrast, all three of the disciplines I have just mentioned (along with other branches of science) are characterised by diligent search for evidence to support their postulates, honest and detailed presentation of said evidence, and robust and rigorous development of tested scientific theories that are in some instances in accord with observational reality to 15 decimal places.

Item four: those of us who paid attention in class, and who read your mythology without wearing mythology fanboy ideological blinkers, learn quickly that your mythology presents as its real central message, that “kill all who do not conform” is to be treated as a “holy virtue”.

Indeed, right after presenting “thou shalt not kill” as a purported “Commandment”, your mythology devotes fully 260 pages to gleeful depictions of genocidal Lebensraum wars, several of which are asserted within those pages to have been directly ordered, by the same cartoon magic man that issued the “Commandment” in question. Another of the many examples of dribblingly encephalitic absurdity and farce lurking within the pages thereof.

Given the manner in which mythology fanboys have operated historically as a drag anchor on genuine intellectual and ethical progress for the past two millennia, the pretensions on the part of present day mythology fanboys that your mythology and its cartoon magic man have been the source (and purportedly the only source) of all that is good in the world today, is a sham deserving of every last atom of scorn, derision and cutting satire that can be propelled in its direction.

The banal house of epistemological cards that is your mythology, and the monomaniac, narcissistic Bronze Age warlord in tne sky that your mythology presents as your “god”, should have been cast into the dustbin of history long ago.

The hilarious part, is that your mythology doesn’t even count as quality fiction. It’s littered not so much with plot holes, as vast gaping plot canyons and crevasses, the “fall of man” fairy tale being a particularly risible example.

Though perhaps you should be grateful that we restrain our activity to mockery, instead of following the example of past mythology fanboys, whose response to any questioning of their sleazy little doctrines was widespread torture and brutal mass murder.

Indeed, some of your ilk in the present openly exhibit a disturbing desire to revisit those dark times, and yearn to launch their own Inquisition Mark II.

You really didn’t think any of this through, did you?

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Yeah the devil done it mun, to confuse you see?

Did they though, or did Satan mess with the evidence to send faithless scientists to hell…

Yeah, but he has Faith see. (note the random capital letter) I’m really getting the hang of this. :innocent:

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Yes, Brother Shelly! YES!!!.. Lord be PRAISED! You are finally starting to see The Light! Now continue to follow that path to the eternal JOY your loving GOD wants you to have! (But, uh, please turn off that light before leaving the room. Power bills are through the roof lately.)