Is there finally an argument for the existence of God?

It’s clear that I, for one, do not accept panpsychism. Probably others here as well.

Wouldn’t that be true of anything that does not exist?

It axiomatically doesn’t though, since the two expert philosophers on panpsychism you cited were lifelong and outspoken atheists?

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Indeed, but I will accept I am far from an expert on it. More troubling is that @Quim cited two experts on it, and they are both outspoken atheists, one of them (Russell) of some renown. The obvious inference is that accepting panpsychism does not represent a compelling reason or argument for any deity, and that this is just a subjective belief of @Quim’s.


The entire universe, it could well be eternal.

So your deity is essentially the universe, without any substance that is testible and/or falisfiable… uncanny!!!

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@Quim you are going into some serious Deepak Chopra territory now. Deepak at least learned his lesson with Sam Harris. He now owns and runs a wellness and spa resort. Doesn’t make talks about atoms having self awareness. It’s bad for business!

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Why are you assuming? You don’t know if that particular person had an experience with it. You need to define your use of experience if I’m to accept your premise.

Sight, sound, touch, taste, are demonstrable but outliers exist ( Synesthesia - Wikipedia ) …experience is the memory & feeling invoked by the actions or stimuli (the word used to describe how we categorize- the intensity may involve memory). IF, perhaps I was a paraplegic and it was the first time I could move a bead, fuck, yah - that would be an experience.


Hardly a quorum, imo.

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Fair point, but then neither of them shared his view that panpsychism is a sound argument for a deity, so a double whammy, so to speak…

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I sure in fuck ain’t aware of the cell activity.


Ffs focus woman, this is your immortal soul we’re talking about mun… :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :roll_eyes:

Have you tried praying on it? :wink:


FWIW, the collective noun for philosophers is a ponder or confusion of philosophers. :sunglasses:


Now that’s funny!


If you liked that how about a slumber of anaesthetists, or a clot of cardiologists, or a body of pathologists.

Ok I made the last one up as it’s pretty funny, :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :rofl: but the others are true.


@Quim I’ve been thinking about something regarding the title of this thread.

In your opinion, is there a possibility that god doesn’t exist? Do you consider that option when trying to comprehend all this?

Give Captain Cat one for me.

A possibility needs to be demonstrated. Based on all available evidence, absolutely everything humankind has compiled, I know of no good reason to make the assertion, “God Exists!” It is a fact that all available evidence, I am aware of, falls short of supporting this claim. I would further support the idea that an absence of evidence is evidence of absence. (Especially when there is a legitimate expectation of evidence, such as in prayer.) Given 2000 years of attempted justifications, repeated arguments, and empty promises promoted by theists of all ilks. Given the massive failure of Gods and Demi-gods all over the planet. Given the complete lack of any scientific validation of any religious claims regarding the supernatural aspects of their, known to be, man-made religions. I believe that I can make the assertion, no God I have ever heard of exists. Furthermore, any god asserted to be nondetectable by theists is also indistinguishable from the nonexistent and therefore not worth considering existent. Until someone comes up with some kind of new god, or new argument, which they have not done in 2000 years, I feel I am standing on fairly solid ground. I am about as sure a god or gods does not exist as I am tomorrow will follow today. I like the quote from Richard Dawkins. “We are all atheists about most of the gods that humanity has ever believed in. Some of us just go one god further.” I don’t believe a God exists.

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Meanwhile, I’m still waiting for our qualia fanboy to tell me what “mental states” are possessed by the particles of gravel in my aquarium …



I would change the word “one” to “a treat” in there if I were you. It’s still borderline, but it sounds a little less like a line from a bestiality manual. :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :rofl:


I completely agree with you, that is exactly how I see things.
I asked @Quim this question because I want to know if he is willing to entertain all available possibilities.

It seems that @Quim has a way of distinguishing between different possibilities without demonstrating them. I am curious to see how it’s done.