Is the New Testament made up?

I have this persistent itching in my crotch. I’m going to see my GP about it. Maybe he’ll apply some ointment.

On another note, I have a persistent delusion that, when I die, my soul will live on tied to my body. Though inert and lifeless, my soul will experience every moment of death. Every month passing with rotting flesh, I will be there, stuck as it were, experiencing all of the pain.

Now, this may interest some of you who are medically minded. That same delusion, once upon a time, was my cause for catatonic schizophrenia. I believed that in the long run, the best solution to existing forever in the grave was to simply not move at all until I starved to death.

I kept this charade on for a week, not eating, and remaining motionless. This was all happening inside a seclusion room in a hospital. My mother was beside herself with fear and despair. It was only at her behest that I would eat a spoonful of yogurt. Or sit up from time to time.

This was the state of mind I was in. I believe it was finally my mother who convinced me to start moving around. This would mark the beginning of the worst year of my life - a year spent in the psych ward with non-stop thought insertions every two seconds, day and night, with an exception for four or five hours of sleep - for an entire year.

Now, I say this because I believe Christianity planted the seeds of that delusion. And I fucking hate that religion for that reason.

Before anyone questions the validity of this dormant zombie belief I sometimes have in my darkest moments, I am already aware that it is a delusion.

Thanks for reading. Please feel free to go fuck your selves. I mean that in the most sincere of ways. :laughing: we’re all friends here.


Thank you for sharing…

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Have you and your GP found a med or combination of meds that work for you?

Schizophrenia can be a very, very difficult illness to manage, but there are excellent options. Is your GP supportive?

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GPs have no business treating schizophrenia. If they suspect a diagnosis they should refer the patient to a Psychiatrist. (A specialist in the field, who will then prescribe medication.) Sorry, my pedantic nature made me do it. Still, people should know. If Ratty is only seeing a GP it’s no wonder he is up and down all the time. Diagnosis - Schizophrenia - NHS.

There are options. I wish they were excellent. Psychological treatments such as cognitive behavioral therapy or supportive psychotherapy may reduce symptoms and enhance function, and other treatments are aimed at reducing stress, supporting employment, or improving social skills. Along with medication, that’s the best we got. There is still no clear understanding of the causal nature of what we call the disease of schizophrenia. I’m not a believer in the disease model of treatment as I have seen some very interesting results with cognitive therapies. (I’m certainly no specialist.) Anyway, all said and done, Yes it is serious and Yes we all hope Ratty gets the help he needs. Your sentiment is well placed.


Thank you.

Your point about a GP vs. psychiatrist is well taken.

I’ve treated many people with the disorder, and I agree that it isn’t well understood. There is often stigma and shame surrounding it, and people don’t understand . . . even healthcare workers, who should really know better.

Hey, Ratty, try applying some Icy Hot and/or Bio-Freeze to the affected area. It may not cure the problem, but it will definitely relieve that annoying itchy feeling for awhile. (You can thank me later. :grin:)

(Edit for four-alarm alert.)


Bio Freeze never gets the job done. Look, Take out a straight razor and shave half your crotch bald. Dip the other half in lighter fluid and set it on fire. If anything craws out of the fine onto the bald patch, stab it to death with an ice pic. It’s the best cure for crotch itch I have ever found.


Uh, if you dip the tip (of the ice pick) in kerosene first, the effectiveness has been documented to increase by 27%…

Hope your meds are sorted, sounds pretty traumatic. I wouldn’t worry about the itch, I heard someone claim they’re immaterial apparently. :innocent:

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Damn, Cog! What the fuck is WRONG with you? :dizzy_face: That is the most irresponsible advice I have EVER heard! Bad monkey! :rage:

@ratspit Hey, Ratty don’t listen to that mangy primate. I can’t BELIEVE he told you to use a straight razor to shave down there. That could be very dangerous. You should use a disposable safety razor instead.


A flame thrower would probably “stop the itch” as well.

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Wo! Flaming ice pick. Yep! That is sure to work better. Especially in the dark.

But then you have to search the burned-out pubs for the little dead bodies. If you have an ice pic you can count them as you go.

I like the way you think…

Edit: light it up

Yeah. I’ve been stable for 14 years now on the same med regime. I take a whack load of seroquel and, up until the last few months, about 3 mg of clonazepam a day.

So, my GP is pretty good. He listens and seems to care. Here in Canada (probably else where) long term use of benzos is being phased out. I’m down to 1 mg a day now. The last few months of coming of benzodiazepines has been CRAZY. But I think I’m over the worst of it.

Thanks for caring, Kev. I mean it.

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I think I have a colony of tiny ants living down there. I appreciate the advice, but now there are lives at stake.

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Then explain all the ‘dick’ comments?

Stick with it. A benzodiazepine dependancy can be very difficult to overcome . . . and relapsing puts you right back where you were in short order.

Even so, it’s worth it in the long run. You feel better over time, and aerobic exercise speeds the recovery process.

12 step programs also work very well for some people.

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Thank you for qualifying that. I also needed to recommend 12 step programs for some people. “CRINGE!” But they are free and sometimes useful.

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You mean my hilarious “hung like a horse” jokes that bring joy to faces of little boys and girls over the holiday seasons? Yeah. I’m going through some shit still.

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