Is the New Testament made up?

I use FFS because I’m lazy.

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For fuck’s sake!

Did you know I actually did a search to find out if it is correctly the above or “for fuck sakes”? :nerd_face:

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This is typical, insults are the only tool left for some, when they are on the back foot. For the record I’m originally from Liverpool, England and there’s nobody in this forum remotely able to out curse me, I curse, and you guys are amateurs from what I’m seeing.

The point is I don’t debate with people who can’t control their emotions, if you want to honestly discuss a subject with me then control your emotions, else I have better things to do.

Listen, it’s one thing to debate, BUT you don’t get to tell the membership HOW to behave on a forum that you are the new member to.

YOU also don’t know any of the “emotions” said members maybe or may be NOT be feeling.

Not being “in control” of others is perhaps an emotion that you should self-examine as it leads to anger.


Actually, I would really enjoy an honest discussion with you. However, it doesn’t seem to be forthcoming. You’ve been asked so very many questions that you’ve deflected, ignored, and refused to answer. That’s not, in my estimation, an honest discussion.
You could call our bluffs and go off and do those better things. Others will be along. But I suspect you won’t. I suspect you are getting something out of being here. I suspect that something is entertainment with a dash of control thrown in. And you, sir or madam, are fostering that rise in emotion, in particular the feeling of frustration, by behaving in an egocentric fashion.
Try letting that go, try a cooperative agenda, try being willing to show yourself.


Please, allow me…

What @CyberLN is trying to say (and she’s trying to be polite about it) is that your pathetic and slimy tactics of avoiding any form of civil and productive debate have grown excessively tiresome. The amusing part for many of us, however, is that you likely see your methods as being “slick” and “clever” and “intelligent” and highly “original”… (chuckle)… What’s even more HILARIOUS, though, is that you fail to realize how your being here actually HELPS US shine a spotlight on the dark insidious underbelly of religion in general. Allow me to explain…

You arrive here as a theist representing your chosen god as part of whatever religious faith you follow. (Which you have still failed to reveal, I might add.) And almost immediately you begin using overtly dishonest apologetic “debate” methods we have all seen countless times. You have no interest in learning or listening to rational explanations. You ask (silly) loaded questions as if you think nobody here would see them for the misleading “traps” you intend. And just so you know, your condescending arrogance is not even remotely concealed by that transparent mask of polite congeniality you think is so smooth. Basically, your deception and dishonesty as a representative of your religion are on full display for all to see. Meaning, despite how boring you have become, you are actually somewhat beneficial to us in allowing others to see the true results of organized religion. Your god would be proud. :grin:

(Edit to add: Who the fuck has been using expletives in here? :rage:)


Who gives a flying fuck about Spartacus? People aren’t at my local school board meetings arguing that we need to change the curriculum based on belief in Spartacus.


Calling the kettle black I see. You were pretty atheophobic,hypocritical, and disrespectful yourself if I re-call.

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Oh come on now, the odd vituperation is hardly as insulting as your sneering pious preaching, or your dishonest evasion and misrepresentations of atheism.

If you can’t see how stupid that remark is alongside your previous sulking at a few swear words, then it’s hard to know what to say. You either object to vituperation or you’re the fucking cunting bollocks at it. You can’t have it both ways.

Really? A swearing champion like yourself? Though this shameless winging is the largest show of emotion I’ve yet seen.

You came here no one sought you out, so feel free to leave if a swearing champion like yourself can’t cope with a few vituperations, but here’s a news flash for you, you’ve been preaching, not debating, and frankly you’ve had your arse handed to you as well, though that’s no great boast given how poor your spiel has been, then again you’re trying to peddle vapid unevidenced superstition, so swings and roundabouts I suppose. Now get to the point please, the Scarlets are turning this around against Munster in the second half.

Bravo sir, have a cigar.



Now THAT is some incredibly fucking funny irony coming from a guy like you. :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy: Bravo, good sir! You definitely put my industrial strength ACME Super-deluxe Irony Meter to the test with that post. I must remind myself to write a letter to the manufacturer as a testimony to the reliability and endurance of their product. Sure, I may need to send it in for some maintenance and recalibrating, but the fact it survived at all is certainly astounding. Keep up the good work, Champ. You’re batting a thousand so far.


We have mods here that do our best to walk the balance of “free speech” :us: “freedom of expression” :canada: and the hosts of other countries with their particular ideas of civility and such - :australia:

However discussion, “the exchange of ideas”, debate… is foremost.

Trust me, if “offensive or offended” was the only standard, the rudeness of not answering questions or using bad-faith arguments (semantics) MY personal “feelings” would have booted many a poster who have somehow managed to make this forum part of their lives.


I suppose I should say thank you then, I’m embarrassed now innit… :innocent:

DEBATE? Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha … Where is the debate? Do you know what the term ‘Debate’ means?

DEBATE: Argumentation is a central axis of the concept. A debate Is a process through which opinions are debated, rebutted, supported and defended. (Not asserted and then supported with more assertions and then magically dropped for another assertion in a long string of ‘whatabouts.’

Essential elements of a debate

1- The proposition Having accepted that X , so Y Is true / false.

The most common problems that arise around the proposition (the debate) is that the parts of the debate use arguments that are not 100%related to the proposition. And this is all you have done from the beginning,

One inane assertion after another, fact less utterances of magical claims without any rational means of support. An absolute inability to stay on topic or to concede a point once the other side has demonstrated your argument to be insufficiently lacking any means of real support. (Sometimes you got to suck it up and just admit thigs aren’t the way you think they are.)

You think you are debating? Really? Now that is a laugh. We could start a new thread on the reasons Sherlock is not an honest interlocutor and just fill it with your posts. One after the other with utter and complete nonsense, evasion, fallacious claims, and diversion.

Debate? Is that what you tell yourself you are doing? ROFLMAO!!!


We absolutely have some great Mods here. Best anywhere. Second to none. There should be Mods like ours on every site… (hands clasped under chinpleading voice)… Please don’t send me into the Netherworld… :disappointed_relieved:

(Edit to remove brown substance from tip of nose.)



I wasn’t on the “back foot” when I provided this demolition of mythological nonsense. Nor was I on the “back foot” when I provided my recent exposition on the origin of life, or an earlier dissertation on the duplicity inherent in “design” apologetics.

As someone who has spent many years in the environs of Liverpool, I could probably rise to that challenge, but I’ve better things to do with my time, as my output here should be telling you.

I smell the distinct aroma of pot calling kettle black at this juncture …

OK, here’s an issue you might want to address, that mythology fanboys keep running away from whenever I present it. Namely, that the mythology in question contains within its pages, the fatuous assertion that genetics is purportedly controlled by coloured sticks. An assertion that was found to be a risible lie by a 19th century monk, when he launched modern genetics as a properly constituted scientific discipline. Care to explain why your cartoon magic man, if it ever existed, allowed this pathetic passage to be associated with it?

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FYI @Calilasseia@Sherlock-Holmes is on a 6 month sabbatical courtesy of the mods.

I wonder what he did to deserve that? :slight_smile:

Got a pointer to the requisite fireworks? :slight_smile:

At first it was just a weeks silence for using derogatory gender/cultural as an insult. Then he upped the ante by trying to sneak on as a different user :roll_eyes:

Theists are such honest folks.