Is it possible?

Ahhh. Lol. I love the abuse. Fucking love it. I can almost hear you insulting me through the screen on my phone.

Listen Cog. A lot of very well educated baristas have a bachelors degree in psychology. Even I knew this before I went into pure sciences and wasted four years of my life on a useless piece of paper.

I appreciate that you may be a very well trained administrator of therapy and I’m sure you’ve helped a lot of NORMAL people deal with their outstanding issues. I’m sure the art of therapy has its merits. And yes, I’m VERY ignorant of them and have never read a single book on psychology.

That being said, what’s the census on schizophrenia or borderline personality disorders or sociopaths? Do psychologists even bother with schizos? Why do they often refuse to work with BPD?

You know, Tin Man. I gave my self a minor concussion two weeks ago and lately I’ve been wondering if I’m in a coma and all of this is just me dreaming up my life while I vegetate on a hospital bed. Anyway you could help a friend by confirming you are in fact real? :grinning: :rat:

That’s a stupid question. Id prefer if you didn’t question my integrity. I feel no remorse as it must be done. No I don’t like rats anyway. The snakes have to eat. Simple as that. It’s in their nature. Some wont eat dead rats or mice that you can buy online. The ones we have mostly prefer them alive. Otherwise they will starve.

Sorry. I didn’t mean it seriously. I understand you take of your animal and it’s diet is not question of ethics.

I meant it in jest (as you were teasing me about my rats). I thought you would reply with something witty or snarky. You’re a witty guy. I like you.

hissssss :wink: :rat: :snake:

lol I’m not serious quite yet. Our two ball pythons are stuck on small rats. They cant do the big ones yet. They’re not full grown. Our other snakes eat frozen mice except for my girlfriend’s sand boa. She wants an amazon boa. They get huge! Not as big as your traditional python but damn, people feed them rabbits!


Come on Ratty! You yourself have mentioned some of the most current research in this area. Psilocybin is looking very promising. That does not mean you get to make outlandish stupid claims about it.

" PSILOCYBIN , an indoleamine hallucinogen, produces a psychosis-like syndrome in humans that resembles first episodes of schizophrenia. In healthy human volunteers, the psychotomimetic effects of psilocybin were blocked dose-dependently by the serotonin-2A antagonist ketanserin or the atypical antipsychotic risperidone but were increased by the dopamine antagonist and typical antipsychotic haloperidol. These data are consistent with animal studies and provide the first evidence in humans that psilocybin-induced psychosis is due to serotonin-2A receptor activation, independently of dopamine stimulation. Thus, serotonin-2A overactivity may be involved in the pathophysiology of schizophrenia, and serotonin- 2A antagonism may contribute to the therapeutic effects of antipsychotics. NeuroReport 9: 3897-3902"

The emerging role of psilocybin and MDMA in the treatment of mental illness

Danielle S. Cha

“Psychedelics, such as psilocybin and MDMA, offer an alternative avenue of therapy for many mental health disorders. Available evidence indicates that psychedelics may offer a single-dose, rapid effect model that have robust effects with treatment-resistant mental disorders and a unique advantage as a possible monotherapy for mental illness. Novel clinical trials that evaluate the safety, tolerability, and efficacy in clinically representative populations are warranted.”

People involved in the research think they are onto something. The time to believe is after the evidence is in. " There was a time when energy drinks actually contained real energy. The active ingredient in these drinks was a radioactive element that releases a packet of While the connection between consuming a radioactive element and reaping a perceived energy boost is tenuous at best, it didn’t stop people in the early 1900s from ignoring the known downsides of ingesting radioactivity and risking the long-term health consequences." When 'energy' drinks actually contained radioactive energy


"Medications are the cornerstone of schizophrenia treatment, and antipsychotic medications are the most commonly prescribed drugs. They’re thought to control symptoms by affecting the brain neurotransmitter dopamine.’

‘The goal of treatment with antipsychotic medications is to effectively manage signs and symptoms at the lowest possible dose.’

I only work adjunctly with schizophrenia through family members, relationships, and support systems and not with schizophrenics themselves unless their issues are work, marriage, school, or social functioning related. Schizophrenics are under the care of doctors. I have worked with families under the orders of a doctor. Schizophrenia is as fascinating as the human brain.

I am not convinced that ‘depression’ is a real thing. (It means there is no ‘thing’ called depression, not that people don’t feel depressed. It’s not like catching a cold or having a tumor.) Depression doesn’t show up in a blood test. It doesn’t cause a rash. You can’t see it under a microscope. It’s thought to have a complex of causes: biological, chemical, environmental, and situational. For these reasons, it can feel hard to pin down precisely. Is there a chemical imbalance causing the depression or is depression causing the chemical imbalance? Anyone who did the things and thought the thoughts depressed people do and think, would be depressed. We Know Exactly What Depression Looks and Feels Like We don’t know what it is or why.


  • Biochemistry: Differences in certain chemicals in the brain may contribute to symptoms of depression.
  • Genetics: Depression can run in families. For example, if one identical twin has depression, the other has a 70 percent chance of having the illness sometime in life.
  • Personality: People with low self-esteem, who are easily overwhelmed by stress, or who are generally pessimistic appear to be more likely to experience depression.
  • Environmental factors: Continuous exposure to violence, neglect, abuse or poverty may make some people more vulnerable to depression.

I think the fact of the matter is very simple; ‘Some people get depressed.’ Most clinicians view it as a symptom of underlying emotional issues. I don’t. Well, I don’t, unless there are underlying emotional issues present. Depressed people are very powerful. There is a big payoff for being depressed, in not having to do shit you don’t want to do. In staying sick. In avoiding any kind of stress. In not having to deal with people you don’t like. (Don’t Jump into the ocean yet… There are loads of reasons for depression.) Most medical models, in addition to treating people with medication; highly recommend ‘exercise,’ and ‘counseling.’ Exercise can relieve the symptoms of most major depression and it has been known to cure as well. Lack of sunlight in colder climates can be the cause of depression. Life changes can cause major depression. I knew a woman who once went sailing. When the boat capsized, she freaked out and had to deal with her own mortality. It sent her into a depressive episode that lasted over three years.

Psychology is a SOFT science. Psychologists, Psychiatrists, Invent Stories. “Theories” And when new evidence comes along to challenge the theories, theories change. That is the way all science works.

Things are always changing and there is always something new to learn about.

Nothing I say in any of these matters. It’s all just bullshit. The census on schizophrenia and borderline personality is that the Medical profession has the treatment market cornered. LISTEN TO YOUR DOCTOR.

Ratty, ol’ pal, just as soon as I can get somebody else to confirm for me that I am in fact real, you will be the first to know. Fair enough? :grin:

Yeah. I don’t have any problem with people feeding their pets the food they would normally eat. I like reptiles, but I don’t think I would ever be a reptile owner. Not because of the feeding. I could do that. Even as an owner of rats, if my job was too take care of a boa, that’s what I would do. I’m just a cat guy. And my wife is an overall animal lover who’s a sucker for any kind of rescue. Hence the fridge size cage of six rescued lab rats in my 600 square foot condo! Lol. She asked about a tarantula the other day. I said fuck no. Scorpion? Sure. Hairy fucking monster spider - sorry. I have a primal fear of huge spiders.

Are your snakes interactive? Do you take them out? Do they show affection say in the same way a cat or dog might?

I do listen. I’ve gone off my meds a couple times with immediate hospital stays as a result. The first time was brutal. They decided I was non-compliant and wanted to find a different anti psychotic to treat me, so they weren’t even willing to put me back on the one which was helping. Brutal experience. I don’t know how I didn’t completely lose my shit. I’d meet guys who’d think the government was monitoring them with a microchip in their brain. Or the religious schizophrenics who go off the deep end. I had all the same shit. All the voices. Talks with God, the Devil, Jesus, Buddha, Isaac fucking Newton for God’s sake - and maybe it was this really eclectic group of fantasy characters that helped me to not fixate on one certain delusion in particular. I had an advantage of developing social skills right up until I got sick.

Went off my meds again seven years later. Wound up in a psych ward … again. As soon as they put me back on my meds I was right as rain - never did it again.

My wife says therapists won’t go near borderline’s because of their ability to manipulate the person attempting to give the therapy.

My wife showed the signs of black and white thinking, false fears of abandonment and reacting to those fears by running away. I chased her every time and stood by her. We saved each other’s lives. Gave each other a reason for living.

My diagnosis was upgraded to “schizoaffective depressive”. I’ve been depressed for the last six years. Managing to function at a low expectation job where I could get away with sleeping 10 or 11 hours on work days and then 12 or more on weekends.

In recent months I’ve left that job, floated around my company filling special coverages, and eventually impressed enough people to be offered a high profile full time coverage. It’s given me financial validation and renewed purpose. I’ve been sleeping 8 hours a day and have been functioning on that amount of sleep. I sleep maybe 9 or 10 at the most on weekends.

For me, I might still be depressed, but I’ve got the sleep problem fixed after six years of pure exhaustion every day. Not having the will to drag my ass out of bed, unless I absolutely had to. My wife has supported me the whole time and has been understanding. I’m finally able to spend time with her on weekends now that I’m sleeping reasonable amounts. The new job is giving me a lot of walking and exercise. I’ve been riding a wave of positivity for the last month. It might not sound like it by my deadpan writing voice, But I’m happy.

Finding fulfillment is hard. We need a purpose in life. But how often does life offer a person financial gain at the cost of happiness? A lot of the time this is the case. I can see people going one of two ways. One way is workaholic mania. The other is self defeat and depression.

But give a person the kind of employment that really caters to their personality and interests and you’ll find a motivated, rested, and productive human being.

The world is so full of dead end jobs and people with a lot of potential.

Sounds good. But if I do wake up from that coma it had better not be in a hospital somewhere in Kansas. And I’ll be REALLY upset if my name is “Dorothy” and I have a dog named “Toto”. :grinning:

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Let us start with your appeal to pity, your story about your friends demonstrates your bias. If you want to act like I don’t have friends who have died or are dying from opioids and anti-depressants your naive or delusional.

If you think making thousands of doses of psilocybin and having it distributed by our current medical system has no chance of ending up with rampant abuse and over prescribing I think you are again naive. The same corrupt system that brought us the opioid crisis. So if you can’t understand my BIASED skepticism being a former abuser of that same corrupt system, that is plainly on you.

Add money and profit margins, and I think your sitting on the next crisis.

As for being a millennial I’m a bit later down the line than you.

It wouldn’t be as bad as you might think, really. Having Toto around actually has its benefits… (as long as you keep a jar of peanut butter handy).

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This is what I’m trying to achieve, I always catch myself dwelling on the past.

I’m interested in how exactly you “abused” psychedelics. They’re not addictive. The clinical model is showing surprising and promising results after one large dose in the case of cancer patients or even people with severe OCD. The method of “healing” if you want to call it that, is within the trip itself. It’s within the hallucinations, and the visions, and the introspection. This is the reason that people suspect pharmaceutical companies are not interested in the legalization of this substance - it does not fit their model of constant need everyday. Ie. they can’t make a large profit off a medicine which only needs to be used once to cure the problem.

As far as microdosing goes, I guess I can see your point (in some respect). If someone is serious about getting their anxiety, or depression under control with the help of psilocybin there is the chance that they’ll end up using it recreationally. But who cares? It’s non-addictive.

Yep :grinning: dogs LOVE peanut butter! They’ll go through a jar a day if you let them. Dirty little beasts!

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There’s no fucking way I’m going to start using psychoactive drugs, I already have more than enough in my system without adding something new.

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Can we suspend this clown’s responses to a thread that I started looking for some real suggestions on ways to help me feel better. I’m not going to deal with the shit in my life by getting stoned, as he suggested.
Now he’s just taking up space here.

No problem Mr. :clown_face:

Don’t get your panties all up in a bunch.

Bye. I’m off to see the Wizard!!!

If you are catching yourself, you are already on the right path. It might just be that simple. You will get quicker and quicker at recognizing what you are doing.

Now figuring out how to stay in that healthy emotional space will be something you will need to figure out. Like I said, I have about 80 hobbies I throw myself at if I find myself emotionally unhappy.

Could be… I used to fuck ugly, dumb, home-schooled, heroin-addicted, leppers, with bad hygiene and missing teeth and I’m sure a few of them must have had abortions that failed.