Is it fair to call Christianity a Terrorist Religion? My Views

Since you’re quoting me, I’m a bit uncertain who you are LOLing at. Especially since the country characteristics does not fit with my country (Norway). But since we’re talking about vocabulary origins, the English language has a host of loan words from Old Norse, of which the following are just examples:

Contemporary English Middle English Old Norse
anger (n.) anger angra
bag (n.) bag baggi
food (n.) bait beit
ball (n.) ball bǫllr
berserk (adj.) berserk berserker
birth (n.) birth byrðr
bleak (adj.) bleak bleikr
bull (n.) bull boli
cast (v.) cast kasta
dead (v.) die deyja
egg (n.) egg egg
fellow (n.) fellow felagi
fjord (n.) fjord fjǫrthr
freckle (n.) frecken freknur
gosling (n.) gesling gæslingr
guest (n.) guest gestr
hunt or chase (v.) bait beita
husband (n.) husband hūsbōndi
knife (n.) knife knífr
leg (n.) leg leggr
likely (adv.) likely líkligr
mistake (n.) mistake mistaka
outlaw(n.) outlaw utlagi
race (n.) race rás
raft (n.) rafter raptr
raise (v.) raise reisa
ransack (v.) ransack rannsaka
reindeer (n.) reindeer hreindýri
rive (v.) rive rifa
root (n.) root rót
saga (n.) saga saga
same (adj.) same sami
scare (v.) scare skirra
seat (n.) seat sæti
skin (n.) skin skinn
skirt (n.) skirt skyrta
sky (n.) sky ský
slaughter (v.) slaughter sláhtr
slave (n.) thrall thræll
sly (adj.) sly slœgr
snub (v.) snub snubba
stagger (v.) stagger staka
steak (v.) steak steik
take (v.) take taka
tarn (n.) tarn tjǫrn
awe (n.) awe agi
thrift (v.) thrift thrifta
thrust (v.) thrust thrýsta
thwart (v.) thwerte thver
valkyrie (n.) valkyrie valkyrja
wand (n.) wand vǫndr
wicked, harmful, ill (ajd.) ill illr
window (n.) window vindauga
wing (n.) wing vængr
wrong (adj./adv.) wrong rang

Source (pages 17-19)


You have to remember with Americans it is always being right as well as always knowing what is best for everyone, they wear their religion on their sleeves and their ignorance were the heart should be. If they can cause doubt they are trilled to no end, they are about control, ignorance and submission to who ever is babbling the lies of the day.

That’s a wide, sweeping generalization that doesn’t apply to all Americans.


Yep, those damn Americans. The entire world would have been better off without them. Canadians should have invaded the USA back when they had the chance. A world full of polite Canadians would have been better than those self-grandizing. jingoistic Americans.

(Americans on this site are excluded of course. I mean regular Americans.)


How about a nice big slice of “no true American” pie?

Americans don’t have a monopoly on greed, hatred, and delusion. It’s just that greed, hatred, and delusion are richer here.

Why, @Epicurus, do you ‘spose that is?

Fuck you. Yes we do. Who in the hell pulled your string. How many indians did you shoot to get your country. Did you steal half of it from Mexico. If the damn Canadians were not so nice, we would have taken half their country from them just like we took Alaska. Now we have the Canadians surrounded. You don’t think that’s an accident, do you? Our secret plan is to invade Quebek as soon as it secedes. Canada will be like, ‘Fuck you Quebek,’ and America will take over the territory without a fight. It’s part of the master plan. Just like we are doing in Tiawan. Greed! You know nothing about greed. Let’s make America great again. America No. 1. Yeah!!!


This is an atheist thread. So I won’t offer my views on political economy here.


You’re welcome to do so in the Atheist Hub or in the Lounge (once you qualify for access to it).

You get my vote… Besides, it would probably be an amorphous glop of overgeneralization anyway. Your not off to a very good start.

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In response to the topic, Christianity is a lot of things. A lot of things that I believe are very very bad and that like Christopher Hitchens said in one of his presentations is that we would be better off without religion.

Be very careful about statements that place all Americans in group.

The only time this would apply, is when saying “All Americans are American.” Which of course is a redundant statement.

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I’d be cautious about making sweeping derogations aimed at any group of 331.9 million people, anywhere, especially when the examples offered in evidence are of the most extreme types. I don’t like it when people create negative stereotypes of atheists, so why would I find it acceptable for other demographics.


Except for the ones that are Canadian, Mexican, Brazilian, Colombian, Argentenian, and so on. I just found out that N. and S. America together, only account for about 13% of the global population. Wow, that seems small. The USA, alone, accounts for 4.25% of the global population. Damn that is not very much.

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Ah well yes, I guess those do fall under the ‘Americas’ poor example I guess. :sweat_smile: