Is atheism a belief system?

I hope he (she, they?) come back. Too many don’t stick around through what we all here know as robust defence of our positions, but are taken as offensive, get angry and flee. It’s not always easy to stay in the lane without flinging shit because people can’t differentiate between robust debate and plain assholery and fuckery.

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Well I can’t imagine it’s much fun having their core beliefs that they cherish subjected to “robust” critical scrutiny. Then again they chose to come here.

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Cognostic, a good analogy. But what is the definition of harm?

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HARM: a harmful action, event or condition is what makes a life worse than it would have been otherwise, if that action or event had not occurred. The doctor removing the cancer by cutting into the brain is in fact harming the body. The lesser harm alleviates the greater harm, and so we endure it, If I did the same thing on my kitchen table, even if the procedure was a complete success, the harm would be done to the cultural perspective of the right way to do things. If I want to perform surgeries, I should first go to school and get degrees. We can not have just anyone performing surgeries whenever they feel like it. That would be harmful to society. In some sense to qualify as harmful, there must be a victim. If I bite my fingernails, it is probably harmful to my social image, but I don’t care, and so feel no harm. I will probably never harm my body by getting a tattoo. Many people like tattoos and are willing to engage in the harm to satisfy some desire they have. Seems that enduring a small harm for a greater reward is worth it to some people, Look at Jesus! He gave up a weekend of being an eternal being, just so you could have everlasting life. A meaningless harm for a great reward.


Is atheism a belief system?

If he does he’s not using it here.

"Atheism, in the broadest sense, is an absence of belief in the existence of deities…According to estimates there are at least 500 million atheists in the world."


So no then, in its broadest sense and by definition, atheism is not a belief system, and it need make no assumptions about naturalism or science. Your desire to give your own beliefs some purchase, seems to involve ever more desperately dishonest attempts to irrationally shift the burden of proof from your beliefs, onto those who don’t share them. Tellingly you do this in a generic sweeping way, rather than addressing specific claims individual atheists may or may not make.

Atheists have belief systems, atheism is not a beliefs system obviously. Which oddly enough was my initial response in March:

It’s in any dictionary? However your assertion is demonstrably wrong, as it would be absurd to claim one could believe something existed without defining it.

Is it me? I note that when I pointed out what I had already pointed out he moved one and never revisited that assertion, and he moved on to this:

There is one definition that encompasses al; atheists, no one has claimed only one definition has ever existed. Now note my response at this dishonesty:

Note the response:

Did I not just answer that? Is it not clearly emboldened in my post that we are using the primary dictionary definition? Why would I say that if I thought there was only one definition? To add insult to injury he then makes an anecdotal claim about an encyclopaedia definition, that apart from being almost a century old, can’t be examined for context.

Ok so these replies seems to cover this dishonesty, you’d think?

ote there he pretends to not understand that this was an analogy about how inaccurate using definitions leads to confusion.

Then he dishonestly ignored the point about primary vs secondary definitions, so I make yet another attempt to explain, despite him ignoring it at every turn:

He is trying to claim that those who hold no belief in any deity or deities are not atheists, which is of course absurd. He responds without addressing my question at all:

I have to say, I had forgotten just how relentlessly dishonest a poster he has been until I read through that brief discourse. He makes assertions, pretends to want to debate them, and simply ignore responses that carefully outline counter arguments. Anyway I then asked him about a blatant lie I highlighted and he had ignored:

Guess what:

Moving on indeed, no attempt to address the lie at all. I also got this from that very encyclopaedia: “atheism is the psychological state of lacking the belief that God exists.” The definition sherloc wants to pretend applies to all atheists is a philosophical one, and as I have shown, excludes rather than includes many atheists.

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Here is another breathtakingly dishonest response:

Dear oh fucking dear…which part of “would include” tripped him up there do you think?

It’s his claim that has created the excluded subgroup not mine? So another breathtakingly dishonest misrepresentation of what I said, the word clowns was directed at religious apologists who’ve tried his irrational tactic here, by defining atheism in a way that would exclude many atheists. I not only didn’t claim anyone who held a belief no deity exists was not an atheist, I very specifically explained that the current dictionary definition would include them, I am frankly surprised I managed to keep my cool with such a blatant lie, after re-reading this.

There you go, one more clear attempt at honest discourse. And this is the result…

It’s annoying just re-reading his dishonesty. I think I will leave it there, but next time he’s ranting about civility in debate I’d recommend anyone read through that painfully mendacious exchange, and all to peddle atheism as a belief system, while pretending that he’s asking a question.


I’d forgotten about this one…he even implied that I had made it up…

(Deleted by Author)



I discuss that in my very first article on my blog site: UK Atheist: What Is Atheism?.

Here’s a snip from it:

UK Atheist

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Ewwwwwwwwwww! Nice List … I’m Stealing It. I’m putting it on the refrigerator, right next to the eggnog recipe I stole from Tin Man.

Bet it’s not as good as my pumpkin martini recipe!


Thanks, though most of the list itself originated with a guy called Adrian Barnett back almost thirty years ago when I used to be active in an atheism forum called “Wasteland of Wonders”.

UK Atheist

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Try looking at it this way.

To say that atheism is a “belief system” (whatever that means!) is like saying that theism is a “belief system”.

Atheists as a group are way too diverse to be described in that way.

Just as nobody would call theism a “belief system” because of wide diversity of theists, the same thing applies to us atheists.

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Some cultures place hell in the sky.

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The overriding theme in atheism is simply a lack of belief in God.

However, I do believe that there are different types of atheists that fall into slightly different camps, if this addresses your question.

With the understanding that I only speak for myself, I see atheists who seem to wish to do the equivalent of evangilizing for atheism. They (like me) see the damage done by religion, and work to use atheism as a tool to attack a source of harm. Carl Sagan, Richard Dawkins, and Neil deGrasse Tyson seem to fit in here.

There are other atheists who seem to be very private and introspective, and who take a “live and let live” attitude of minding one’s own business.

Then there are atheists who are social philosophers who ponder the effects (good and bad) that atheism may have on society.

And then there are “practical atheists” (which is where I seem to be) that explore and promote atheism as a response to practical, everyday matters such as the influence of religion in the workplace, or how religion screws up healthcare (as an example).

It also seems that there are mixed types of atheists that fall into more than one of the above categories.

Even the Pope may be considered an atheist, if we transport him to ancient Greece in a time machine, and he doesn’t believe in (or worship) Zeus.

So, an atheist takes non belief one God further.


belief system

  1. a set of principles or tenets which together form the basis of a religion, philosophy, or moral code.


  1. disbelief or lack of belief in the existence of God or gods.

It is the definition of the word, and it encompasses all atheists, even those who make claims to believe no deity exists. That didn’t fit Sherlock’s agenda of course.


Is not believing in the Big Foot, Spider-Man, Ghosts, Flat Earth, Santa, or other unfalsifiable claims a belief system? I think not. I don’t believe in a god in exactly the same way you do not believe in Big Food, Spider-Man, Santa, or the Flat Earth. (Note… I did have to leave out ghosts… obviously you believe in those.)


Atheists can differ greatly in their other beliefs and attitudes. For example, some may be spiritual in a non-theistic way, some may be strictly materialistic, and others may hold various philosophical or ethical beliefs.

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And that would all be something (IN ADDITION TO ATHEISM) and not (ATHEISM). Buddhism can be atheistic. Buddhism has nothing to do with Atheism. They are different things. Skepticism is typically a part of most atheist beliefs. Skepticism is not atheism and certainly not a part of Buddhism. An atheist need not be skeptical to be an atheist. When discussing whether atheism is a belief system, the additional beliefs or non-beliefs of any atheist are inconsequential.The typical answer is usually ‘No.’ However, some atheists do believe that God or gods do not exist. Even so, there is no ‘system’ supporting their assertion. Furthermore, when nonbelieving atheists make such claims (Specifically ‘No God or gods exist’) the claims are unfalsifiable due to their vagueness. Atheism, simply put, is a lack of belief in god. I do not believe in God or gods in the same way you do not believe in Santa Claus, the Good Fairy of the North, Pixies, or Leprechauns. It’s just that simple.

That was pretty funny, I love it when a poster is dishonest, then gets all precious when it’s pointed out.