Ideas, Beliefs, Doctrines, Ontologies, and Pardigms

How would you describe, then, someone who has never been exposed to any gods and therefore has no belief in any of them?


You just don’t listen, do you? I did not call myself an atheist. The Church called me an atheist. I then adopted the term as a symbol of pride. "Atheist is a slanderous term, used by the religious, to put down, insult, dehumanize all non-believers. I merely agree with the Church. I lack a belief in God or gods.


I didn’t believe the Easter bunny existed even before I was ever aware of the notion of an Easter bunny, and this would of course be true of all other human beings.

Obviously because not knowing what theism is, would necessarily involve lacking theistic belief. I was born an atheist, and despite the best efforts of theists I still lack theistic belief.

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How many times are we willing to repeat ourselves??? The guy is not listening to you. He has a script and he is following it. “You can’t know that.” It’s a simple presuppositionalist ploy, and it is bullshit Christian logic from the ground up. He is not arguing with anyone. He is trolling.