How/when do you think the world will end?

What the hell does that mean, she’s part of the 5d world?

I was hinting about T.S. Elliot. We are the Hollow Men.

Sorry, I bit too obtuse for me. Haven’t read any T S Elliot since about 1962.

It’s a lovely line, but it’s poetry, not an opinion based on science.

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She’s on a new-age spiritual high. I guess she skipped the “4d” part :wink:. Its a term for their spiritual growth and enlightenment as they journey upward to (what end???). Personally, she’s describing (IMO) a need for mental health meds (in many of her posts over time) :woman_shrugging:t2: BUT she’s in her 40s, and a very self-centered, self-pitiful, forever “discovering” herself, can’t maintain a relationship (with anybody) type.

Her reasons for her claim to a higher spiritual platitude??? Coincidentally having some people be nice and her “being the recipient”. Right now she’s counting hits - wait until her 5d world crashes in with the ignored misses.

Edited to add: Nyar… isn’t there something like 11d??? She’s only half way there!!!

I never really cared about the end of the world.

I’ve seen so many science fiction films that have plotlines showing omnicide like Terminator or Greenland where it’s either a nuclear war or a giant meteor coming in to hit the world. They’re entertaining. Then I’ve looked up hypothetical omnicide like a pandemic that comes along and wipes us all out.

I don’t have any evidence. I don’t know when or how the world is going to end. I’m just looking at it from a rational perspective. Not making any claims or making any theories. My thoughts are this: I think me, my kids, my girlfriend, people I know and everyone else in this lifetime will be dead before any kind of apocalyptic things occur. Now there’s a probability that I could be wrong. We just never know about these kinds of things.

Me neither. Probably because I’m pretty sure I’ll be dead by then. Of course, for all I know a large meteorite could hit the earth some time this year, causing an extinction event. Viz the end of the world as we know it. In that case I’d be shitting myself. I would also be off my face on the best bottles of cognac I could find.

My feeling is that we’ll either end our own existence because of the stupidity and arrogance of our politicians and our military leaders, or the volcanic caldera under Yellowstone National Park blows it’s top.
I also doubt that I’ll be around when/if it happens.

I would certainly come and fish the Great Nebraska Sea if that happened…think of all the groundbait.

If the super volcano underneath Yellowstone blows it’s top, it’s lights out for the entire planet. I wouldn’t book that fishing trip any time soon.

Either that, or some damn redneck going, “Hey, y’all, watch this shit! Here, hold my beer.”

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LOL… The world will end when I die. If it exists beyond that… well… I just don’t have the capacity to give a shit.


I just realized something. It seems like the world ends every night when I go to sleep. It just happens to still be around when I wake up in the morning. But if I never wake up, is the world still here, or am I the only one gone? Because if the world is gone, I’m gonna be pretty damn pissed if I slept through it.

Edit to add: Oh, but if I do wake up and the world is gone, I’m gonna be extra pissed. Because how the hell will I make my morning coffee? :rage:


The world will end for me when I can no longer get it up. :smiley:

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Ding Ding Ding…you win for the only correct answer…

Dammit, Skrit! Don’t be encouraging Cog like that! That mangy brain-bucket of his is already more inflated than it should be. And just so you know, if you make it explode like it did last time, YOU will be cleaning up the mess. I’m not going through that nightmare again.

That explosion was a one-time event and it only happened because I slipped on one of Tin’s disgusting snail trails of oil and smashed my head on the handlebars of that bike that Old Man used to have. Speaking of that damn bike. whatever happened to it. And what in the hell has he posted as a new picture now? I can’t even see the dang thing. I’m assuming the police have confiscated his driver’s license and chained him to the tree in the front yard.

For your information, those “disgusting snail trails” are the only defense I have to keep you from sneaking up behind me and giving me wedgies. You have any idea how difficult it is to pry aluminum underwear out of my ass crack?

Now, why would you ask me such a question? Don’t you recall the last Christmas party? That’s when I told you about the rolling pin White shoved up my butt. You said you didn’t believe me, took a swig of your eggnog and when I showed you, you bellowed out to everyone in the room that you could put a flagpole up your butt. No one took you seriously and so you went outside, the crowd in tow, and proceeded to climb a flag pole. I made $50 bucks on a bet that you could not get the whole thing in. Anyway, you spent the next three hours getting laughed at, until that bold of lightening struck you head. I have never seen anyone slide down a pole so fast. Unfortunately, 6 inches before the base, the pole began leaking out your ears and the top of your head. At that point you were basicly done. So, we tried to pick you up and carry you back inside but your ass was fused to the damn pole and the pole was not coming out of the ground. We had to move the whole stinking party outside because of you. We spent 6 days getting that damn pole out of your ass and another six removing your underwear from you throat. Of course I know how hard it is to pry aluminum underwear out of a crack.

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I see no evidence that even if Cog was to have an “event” that I could in any way be held responsible, or for that matter, that it would necessarily be a bad thing…so there’s that.

I never took responsibility for the after-effects when my grandfather said “here, pull my finger”.

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