Since you’ve asked here is an example of you making a claim based on unevidenced anecdote and subjective bias.
Very disingenuous claim again, since like all words there is a dictionary definition based on common usage, and we saw later this was just a duplicitous attempt to reverse your burden of proof, a theme you have stuck to dishonestly as you clearly can demonstrate not one shred of objective evidence for any deity, or you’d have dones so.
Those howlers right from the start,don’t imply you have expertise in analysing evidence that the atheists here do not, and since you have offered no justification for that hubris, the best response is to highlight where you have made poorly reasoned and irrational arguments and unevidenced claims. For all those neutral observers you seem think your rhetoric is impressing.
There’s another howler in your second ever post, agnosticism and atheism are obviously not mutually exclusive. I am an atheist because I hold no belief in any deity or deities, and when the claims theists make are unfalsifiable I must also be an agnostic. How much confidence can we have in your rather priggish claims to have a superior ability to analyse evidence when you can’t get simple word definitions correct.
Oh look I found an answer to the question you claimed no atheist has answered from February, so 7 months ago I answered ti, as well as the one I gave today:
I will also note that in all the time you have not even tried to demonstrate any objective evidence for a deity. Reading your attempts I am not convinced you understand what it means.
A more obvious point of course is that the deity you worship is traditionally claimed to be omniscient and omnipotent, so it could easily make me aware that it existed in a way that left no roof for doubt.
Lets not forget that @Sherlock-Holmes disbelieves in all the deities I do, except one, and he has failed to offer any objective difference between the deity he imagines is real, and the rest.