How to recognize evidence for God
Based on @Sherlock-Holmes’s contributions, I will take a stab at his methodology, though he’s not remotely offering anything original of course:
- Never ever let your blind belief in unevidenced superstition be subjected to critical scrutiny.
a) Even your own.
b) Ignore posts that do and attack the poster. - Take particular care to avoid making rational statements, whilst using the word logic copiously as if this rhetoric makes them rational. Like people who put the word fact at the end of assertions in emboldened capitals.
- When your arguments are exposed as irrational, lie in a way reminiscent of a school playground taunt, such as “no you are”.
- When asked for objective evidence, waffle, for example:
a) Pretend you don’t know what the words mean.
b) Then act dumb and become reticent when the definitions are explained.
c) Go on the attack by asking ludicrous questions like "what evidence would atheists accept for the belief you hold, but that they don’t.
d) Don’t forget to pretend that anything that is not immutable can’t be described a fact, go farther and pretend objective facts have the same reliability as unevidenced subjective religious beliefs because they could change at any moment. laugh to yourself when you post this idiocy. - Accuse them of being closed minded, even though being dubious about poorly reasoned and poorly evidenced ideas is not remotely what closed minded means.
- Pretend that being gullible and suggestible are in fact being open minded, even though that is not at all what that phrase means.
- be steadfastly biased in favour of your favourite deity, even though there is no more objective evidence for it than any other deity, then pretend this is not the very definition of being closed minded.
- When scientific facts contradict your religion’s ludicrous claim to have immutable truths, lie that science is based on “faith” the same as religious beliefs.
a) Walk quietly away from anyone who points out that faith and religious faith are two entirely different meanings of the same word. - Be sure to use at least one appeal to authority fallacy by trotting out the unevidenced subjective beliefs of a credentialled scientist or mathematician.
a) Accuse anyone who points this out of being unscientific.
b) Simultaneously accuse anyone using solid scientific evidence to challenge the fallacy, or who accurately points out the methods of science bear no resemblance to religious faith, of using scientism.
c) Never admit that scientism is a bullshit phrase made up by apologists to misrepresent confidence in the methods of science.
d) If they keep presenting rational accurate arguments that demonstrate that the methods of science are incomparable with the closed minded bias of religious faith, taunt them that science is their religion.
e) If anyone posts the definition of religion as a challenge to this taunt dishonesty ignore it, and move on.
d) If anyone claims science is the best method we have, howl like a banshee that they are closed minded and using scientism, ignore all responses beyond broad sweeping misrepresentations of what they’ve said.
e) Don’t forget to pretend in a generic sweeping way that the collective subjective religious beliefs of biblical scholars about magic is a scholarly opinion. Thus combining an appeal to authority fallacy with an argumentum ad populum fallacy.
f) Move quietly away from anyone who points out these fallacies, quietly using the “no you are” taunt from above. - On no account start offering your best reasons for believing in a deity, what is not offered for scrutiny cannot be challenged.
a) Use at least one poisoning of the well fallacy, by falsely pretending your reluctance to demonstrate any objective evidence to subject your beliefs for critical scrutiny, is to avoid an a priori bias all atheists have. Laugh to yourself at how cunning the lord is in his wonderous works.
b) Steadfastly and dishonestly refuse to be drawn on a) above. If you find it hard just sing Jesus wants me for a sunbeam to yourself, use earplugs and a blindfold if this helps. - When you feel the moment is apropos, or you’re about to be banned for your relentless dishonesty, flounce like a drag queen whose outfit has been insulted at a parade.
a) If you get the timing wrong and are banned, be sure to come back and blame the atheists using 5 above, then flounce. - Be sure and tell the atheists how biased and closed minded they are before you leave, even though you are the one who is clinging to an idea you can neither objectively evidnece or rationally defend, like you’ve found a bag full of magic relics from the crucifixion.
- Skipping 13 like any good superstition should. There were only 12 disciples remember, the bad one hanged himself to create this superstition.
- Feel good about yourself and your vapid superstition, and how you put the heathens in their place. Maybe reinforce this with some hymns, onward christian soldiers is a great one for this.
a) While singing remember lies for Jesus make the devil cry.