Have never quite understood people whining about having to pay tax.
Where else do they think the government gets its income?
The economist John Maynard Keynes stated that three things are needed for a affluent society:
Full employment (he thought as unemployment rate of 8% was optimum)
High wages
High taxes.
Makes sense to me. Personal tax could be far less if the citizenry of a country stopped its government selling its natural resources. I’d opt for the nationalisation
of mining and the providing of amenities. ( such as gas, water, electricity, tele communications)
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Corporations use government and socialism to their benefit and gain (tax breaks in the guise of helping the little guy)…and padding the pockets of the rich (who also devise special tax breaks far out of the little guy’s reach).
The little guy’s best hope for a tax break is to be poor enough to not pay taxes, and as Carlin said quite truthfully and humorously - the “middle class” are scared shitless of the poor so they slave to pay the tax burden and defend the tax breaks of the rich in the hopes they will one day “be there”.
Me too. A resource of the people. They should be benefiting as a co-operative.
The problem is what the Government is doing with the taxes, not the taxes themselves.
Indeed. natural resources belong to either we the people or to the firsts nations. IMO no government has a mandate to sell such things.
Please forgive me if I’ve misunderstood : Is it just me, or is Justin Trudeau the tiniest bit slimy? He’s certainly a consummate politician.
Tiny??? Hahahaha. More than tiny.
A politician. An idealist.
However, there are policies that I have supported and overall his time in govt hasn’t been altogether harmful. He has some very good qualities for a politician.
That said, he wanted an open “cheque” to financially do what the liberals thought was necessary without parliament (nope - fail), his scandals via some contract awards (not arms length), some personal embarrassments… he has a distain for Alberta.
I actually grew to respect him more in office over time. Still eye roll at the politics though…
My current baggage with him is his public refusal (I don’t know what goes on behind the scene) to deal with China on some issues. We have a shadow cabinet PM that keeps us abreast of some serious security issues which the liberals are not addressing (to our public knowledge).
As a voter who leans liberal, YES, he is a complete greaseball. I did vote for him, but only because he was the lesser of three evils.
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Lol David - could have been worse … remember him throwing his hat in???
Lesser of three evils.
Last federal election my local liberal candidate knocked on my door, and I explained that yes, I would be voting for him. But only because he was the lesser of the three evils. Judging by his facial expression, he appeared to want to retort. But since I was going to vote for him, he decided to slither away. Tell it to their faces, bluntly, spare the bullshit.
There are very few opportunities when the working class Joe has power, and that is election day. And I exercise that fully.
The last time I voted for a political party was in 1975. Since that time I have voted against the most offensive shower of venal incompetents on offer. So far, that has always been the Liberals. (our conservatives) It’s been pretty close the last few elections.
When I wore a younger man’s clothes, our two main political parties were engaged in a class war .The Labor Party was the political arm of the trade union movement, with an emphasis on social justice. The Liberal & County Party coalition represented the silver tails and upper end of town. Their emphasis was economic policies which would maintain the status quo.
Today we have the right (liberals) and centre-right-with-centre-left -factions, the Labor Party
I have gotten very close to a permanent position of “A pox of both of your houses”.