How do *some* atheists define their morality

Yup - on the backs of the young (I was one of them)…
And “medical rights” (blood issue) which is good and has pushed the medical community to search for blood alternatives (which benefit many) - again on the backs of their dying members.

The JW organization sacrifices nothing.

How do you get “White protestant values from the pledge of allegiance?” I seriously doubt the original author had any such idea in mind.

The “one nation under god” has nothing to do with the original author? It has nothing to do with original American values. Our original motto was E-pluribus Unum (From Many One) And that IS the sentiment of the ORIGINAL pledge of allegiance. The line you are referencing was added to the pledge on June 14, 1954, and due to religious influence over the secular government.

All countries have something similar. That is what “Primary School” is for. That is why countries mandate attendance. Children are being turned into good citizens 5 to 8 hours a day.

…also added because of the “Cold War”.

“God Save the Queen” was the Australian National Anthem I grew up singing in school.
It was briefly replaced in 1974 with “Advance Australia Fair” by the Labor Government, but following the Dismissal in 1975, the caretaker conservative monarchist Liberal party reinstated “God Save the Queen” in 1976.

Then, after much consultation between the Queen and government representatives in 1984, it was decreed by the Governor General that “God Save the Queen” should be played at national events only if a member of the royal family were in attendance, if not, then it was optional to sing “Advance Australia Fair”.

It was a practice to sing “Advance Australia Fair” at the start of sporting events but because most adults never bothered learning the words, televised events broadcast embarrassing scenes of masses of people mumbling and impatiently waiting for the music to stop and the game to start. It was eventually decided by promoters and advertisers, to adopt the ever popular “Waltzing Matilda” as a unofficial anthem for televised sports events. The benefit was that more people knew the words and it was better than watching crowds of people mumbling their way through the antiquated wording of “Advance Australia Fair”.
But then the National Party, formerly known as the Country Party, representing the farmers of the nation, objected to the jolly, somewhat anti-authoritarian “Waltzing Matilda” because the hero of the piece was an itinerant swagman who stole sheep from graziers.
So we all went back to praising our country by mumbling words we had never properly memorised before watching our favourite teams thrash the other guys.
Only in Australia.

edited…I forgot to add that Advance Australia Fair had the added advantage of not mentioning God or referring to Christian values. Neither did the anthem on stealing sheep.

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Dont forget that they have changed the words as from 1st January…We are no longer “young and Free” but “ONE and free” as sop to the First Nations who have been here for at least 40,000 years…and still have not had a peace treaty…

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And where once the call was for an Anglophile “Australian sons, let us rejoice,” and now its a multicultural “Australians all, let us rejoice”.
There was a third stanza about threatening to beat the shit out of any one not welcome here…but it was decided a wee bit too offensive and likely to start wars.

I quite liked “God Save The Queen”, seeing it as just another piece of meaningless tradition. Besides, I already knew the words.

IF they wanted to have a new anthem, they should have asked we the people. Had that happened I have no doubt our national anthem today would be “Waltzing Mathilda”*** But they bloody well didn’t ask us. In retaliation, most Aussies have ignored it and refused to learn the lyrics.

***lest you think ‘Waltzing Mathilda’ is a bit much, I invite you to read the English lyrics to what used to be my favourite anthem (it’s a terrific tune) La Marseillaise:

Below a link to my favourite version, by Mirelle Mathieu, with English lyrics.

THAT’S the French national anthem? I had no idea. That’s kind of bone chilling.
The U. S. national anthem The Star-Spangled Banner is hard to sing and America the Beautiful has been proposed in it’s place, but it’s not likely to happen.

Yup. It was written in 1792. The French revolution went from 1789 to 1799. Kind of puts it into perspective I think.

The Star Spangled Banner was written in 1814.It became the official US national anthem in 1931.

Being a Yank, God Save the Queen makes me think of the Sex Pistols.

I’ve just remembered another patriotic song we sometime sang in school as youngsters, but being the naughty descendants of convicts we changed the lyrics and always enjoyed a rousing colonial rendition of,
Rule Britiannia, Britannia rules the waves
Here’s five Chinese crackers up your arsehole
Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang.
I’ll go take my meds now.

Dont forget that they have changed the words as from 1st January…We are no longer “young and Free” but “ONE and free” as sop to the First Nations who have been here for at least 40,000 years…and still have not had a peace treaty…

Really? Perhaps it’s because I’m Welsh, but before every rugby game when Wales play England, I make a slightly facetious point of muting the English anthem. My apologies to any English rugby fans, but over the years they’ve had their own back on the pitch.

My favourite anthems are

1 Wales (of course)
2. French
3. Russian

Yes, it is a bloodthirsty hymn against tyranny…they actually instructed musical directors to tone down the delivery in the 1960’s to avoid “inflaming the passions” …also it was politic as the German national anthem had been watered down in musical and lyrical terms at the same time.

The pre war and 50’s renditions of the Marseillaise were much more as the writers intended. Brash, martial and an incitement to murder…

My favourite verison is that of Edith Piaf, mind Mireille Mathieu did a fucking good call to arms in this one…

Makes an old bugger realise we have been trying to slay the same dragons of greed, privilege and self interest for hundreds of years.

At least we have the best songs…

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Whenever I hear the Marseilles, I want to grab a gun and storm the Bastille. Though my knee might make it tricky nowadays.


Back to the original question…


My kid brought this to my attention.

So I’m thinking…hmmmm :thinking: was this “accurate”???

Jesus fuckin’Christ… the “Christian” nation runs around all delusional for their “human right to freedom” (don’t wanna wear a mask :mask: for a fake China-virus caused by 5g perpetuated by “fake” death count…) YET is perfectly comfortable with food insecurity

Keep secular minds in your government - “humane” thinking. I don’t give a fuck if they are Republican or Democrat - JUST vote in people WHO care (empathetic) BUT savvy when dealing with the already elected Corp. psychos…

Pretty sure a lot of speculators still make vast fortunes speculating over the global price of food staples like rice and corn. Millions starve, and some Wall Street trader makes a killing, if they spot it coming in time.

I think of all the great apes, we are the least moral…

A judgement perhaps because we have identified an idea of what is “moral”.

Our hierarchical systems evolved and we (humans) are moving socially out of this system (albeit, some societies faster than others).

The fact that as a human race we can include food as a right (at least in principle if not yet global action), puts us ahead of our ape relatives :orangutan:

It seems that “cooperation” is achieved via abundance or scarcity. “Limited resources”
(the idea of) is what contributes to today’s inequality and lack of social sharing.

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So simple, being humanist, believe in your own gut, be reasonable as long as you are thinking logically

No, that would be terrible, to replace what is basically a nice drinking tune.

Just like religion, politics borrows a lot of stuff.