How aren't christians tired of their imaginary god?

We’re helpless and at the mercy of a global pandemic ffs…

How many millions die of malaria every fucking year?

What a truly moronic claim. Not that this would remotely evidence any deity of course. Nothing supernatural is needed to explain human ingenuity.

Spot on!

And yeah… yellowstone or another super volcano could kill us all in a heartbeat.

Plagues, super viruses could wipe us out… we cannot survive at the deepest depths of the oceans…

Utter, utter bollocks by another theist crackpot.

In about five billion years our sun will be in it’s death throes, it will expand and consume this planet earth. Cosmologists lie awake worrying that there is an inbound massive asteroid that will obliterate all life. Each week volcanoes, earthquakes, forest fires, and tsunamis cause considerable damage.

Fools brag, sane people understand that mankind has a tenuous foothold on life, one that could be extinguished any instant.

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I wonder if he would change his tune if he ever got enslaved, and when in a fit of moral outrage of being enslaved, spouts out “this is immoral, You cannot do this to me!”

And his new slave owner simply responded: “I am following the moral code set out by the god and the book on that god you believe in. By your own moral standard, (slavery is okay according to documents that convey our ‘gods’ wishes) I can do this to you.”


I doubt it, he doesn’t appear to have the wit or self awareness for such an epiphany.

Au contraire.

No less a person than Jesus himself is reported as demanding blind faith, in the “Doubting Thomas” incident: John 20:29 “Jesus saith unto him, Thomas, because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed”. (KJV)

Martin Luther also warned against reason :

“Reason is a whore, the greatest enemy that faith has; it never comes to the aid of spiritual things, but more frequently than not struggles against the divine Word, treating with contempt all that emanates from God.”

― Martin Luther

So, on the one hand you have Jesus admonishing his believers to believe without seeing,and on the other we have Martin Luther condemning reason. I think those two admonitions qualify as a requirement of blind faith.

The bible contains no proof of anything, only a lot of claims:

I am unable to believe in god(s) due to a lack of evidence.IE my disbelief is not a choice, but the inevitable conclusion after over 20 years of searching.

You have claimed there is proof for the existence of god {outside of the Bible}
How wonderful! Let’s see it.–boy, you are going to be soooo famous!

OR are you simply another mendacious apologist with nothing new to offer?


THis is the answer:

“Aw Yeah…I DONE love GAWD! It done is the word of GAWD! GAWD is the LAWD! Lawdy Lawdy, never gonna sin AGWAIN! Lawd!”