Help me to understand

What God are you referencing? I already told you. I fluctuate between agnostic atheist and antitheist depending on the god claim. If I ever bump into a god claim that can stand against critical inquiry, I will have to admit that it probably exists. That does not necessarily mean I will worship it. But first. present your god thing.


There is no contradiction. 1. I gave you specific criteria for when an atheist might take the strong atheist position. 2. I clearly stated what happens to ignorant atheists who make unfounded antitheistic claims. You are cherry-picking just to be argumentative. Both postions wehre adequately clarified.


:joy::joy::joy::joy::joy: BEAUTIFUL! I had just started reading this thread, and about halfway through I notice the possibility of those two yahoos being one-in-the-same. Was even about to make a post about it, but then I saw your post. Great catch! :joy::joy::joy:


Thank you for self identifying as someone who isn’t serious (that was NOT a contradiction).

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Initially you said, no strong/tangible atheist would assume/mean/say gods don’t exist.
Later you said strong atheists assert God/gods do not exist.
I rephrased your statements so you can be less confused about your own statements. The words you used were “no atheist worth his salt”
If you don’t comprehend your own context and own words, how will you compressed mine. That would be a waste a time.

Quelle surprise, it’s uncanny how often rational argument, and critical scrutiny of their claims, saps the desire for debate among the superstitious. Though the burning question is why on earth you came to an atheist debate forum, if you don’t want debate.

You lied you mean, and misrepresented what he had posted, one wonders what you think such obvious duplicity will achieve?

Atheism is the lack or absence of belief in any deity or deities, this encompasses all atheists, some of whom also hold the belief that no deity exists. It’s not that complex really, so it’s a puzzle why so many theists who come here can’t grasp it. Many atheists are also agnostics, myself included where the deity being imagined is an unfalsifiable concept.

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Howdy, Candy! Welcome to the AR. Guess what! Today is your lucky day. :smiley: It is apparent you are really annoyed with atheists asking you for evidence you cannot provide for the existence of your god. (Guessing you are enamored with the bible god, by the way. Please correct me if I’m wrong.) Anyway, I understand how frustrating that must be, considering your god is absolutely determined to become the Hide-n-Seek Champion of the Universe. At the very least, he doesn’t seem interested in helping you provide requested evidence. :thinking: But I digress…

So, as I said, you are in luck today, because I am one of the few atheists around these parts that does not request any evidence for your god. The way I see it, if your all-loving, all-knowing, all-powerful god wants me to believe in it and worship it, then he will know EXACTLY what would convince me. Moreover, he would be more than capable of doing whatever was required to make me believe. Until that time, I simply figure your god is not interested in letting me “know” him, as part of his Perfect Plan. Therefore, it would be silly of me to ask you for evidence for your god. (Unless, of course, YOU are god. In which case that opens up a whole other conundrum. :thinking:) Regardless, it might interest you to know WHY I no longer believe in your bible god…

Short story: There are WAY too many inconsistencies and contradictions in the bible for ANYBODY with more than two functioning brain cells to consider it “The Perfect Word of God.” I actually started noticing that when I was only 7 or 8 years old. Being in a religious family and community at the time, though, my little child mind was not capable of defending against the indoctrination. As a result, I spent over 40 years of my life in an almost constant mental struggle between reality vs. the contradicting nonsense I was taught from the bible. It was a long and difficult battle, but reality finally won, and I was finally able to escape my indoctrination.

So, please put your mind at ease in knowing I (for one) will not be requesting any evidence from you. If you want to know my reason for no longer believing, simply read through your bible without the aid of your god-goggles.

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@Candylopez, “no x worth his/her salt” is a turn of phrase. It seams you do not understand what it means. Therefore, you would be well advised to avoid rephrasing it on anyone’s behalf.


What “other” reasons are we not saying? Do you know what they are, because if you do, we’d love to hear them.
I’d be willing to bet they’re all reasons we have already heard a thousand times.
Do you really think you know the reason(s) why we’re atheists?


OK, I think I know the problem. If you are near other people, try standing up and asking one of them to help you read and explain other users comments to you because that IS NOT what Cognostic said:

He never said what you claimed he said (he in fact seemed to say more or less the opposite). You are either really confused or lying. If you don’t change course soon, it won’t matter which is the case, imo.

When you do that, and you rephrase it to say something it didn’t originally say (like this time); it is a form of plagiarism/academic dishonesty; even if done on accident.


We seek evidence because its the best way to confirm or refute a claim… providing the level of evidence is proportionate to the size of the claim.

Some may ridicule, because often the ‘proofs’ or ‘evidence’ are the same tired clutching of straws that have been debunked for decades.

Who has said that? An atheist simply says “I’m not convinced by the evidence of the claim being made” no one can be 100% sure about anything, but we can assign probabilities, in this case its 99.9% likely that all the evidence put forward fora God is bollocks.

Have you asked everyone here? I’m happy to hear evidence to the contrary.

Boo hoo, that’s what we call free speech princess.

Yeah, to be fair it’s pretty bloody annoying, especially when you can’t seem to prove a god exists.


I rephrased it for you so no one will be confused as to the real meaning:

“Thank you for mentioning my nice contradiction of yourself with this introduction”

How do you not get a ‘Qualified response.’ In the first case, the comment is a sweeping generalization. “No God’s exist.” In the second, it is specific. ‘This specific god/God does not exist. Finally, I also said that atheists who engage in sweeping generalizations and make comments like "No gods exist.’ Do not last long around here. The assertion requires a burden of proof. As the idea of a god, both existing and non-existing, is unfalsifiable (given all we currently known) the claims are both unfounded. Unless of course you think you can support one of the positions. I certainly can’t and I have never met a person capable of doing so. If that was not clear previously, MAKE IT CLEAR NOW. There is no contradiction. When I assert a god does not exist, I am being very specific. I fear it is you that does not comprehend the subtlety of language or of logical dilemmas.

Perhaps they don’t understand how you can be an atheist, and yet be critical of other atheists? Seems simple but that is where we find ourselves.

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I have visited some other atheist sites and seriously found them lacking in critical thinking skills. A bunch of angry people bashing Christians in a tornado of group think. Everyone patting everyone else on the back for inane comments. The best thing about this site is that the people engaging in conversations are held to standards. Stick a toe over the line and someone is going to take it off. The atheists on the site are held to the same standards as the theists. This is the only site I know of that does that consistently. It’s also probably one of the reasons some of the atheists who enter here, don’t stick around. They are looking for support for their inane bullshit, and when they don’t get it, when they are asked to justify their positions, they run away instead of facing their own inconsistencies. (Just my thoughts on the matter.)


All you so called rookie atheists don’t cease to amaze me. This is why debating you folks can easily become a headache?

You just made another big blunder by saying I lied. How is lying and rephrasing a statement the same?
For example, “I know him not.”
Rephrased into “I don’t know him.”
What lie is in that? Don’t they both mean same thing?

Sir please kindly, succinctly and articulately, interpret your statements in quotation marks below by yourself. This time around don’t hide under enormous irrelevant text or beating around the bush. Straight to the point.

“I know of no atheist worth his salt, that would make the general assumption, No gods exist.”

“Strong Atheists/Antitheists: They assert God or gods do not exist.”

Like I said, don’t deviate or hide under unnecessary, irrelevant explanations. Go straight to the point.

Any other atheist here is welcome to give his/her own interpretation.

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Why do you see a problem? Strong atheists make this assertion and some of them aren’t worth a shit. How is that a problem for you?

Other atheists are very specific about which god or gods they are referencing.

How is it your brain can not wrap around the concept?

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How’s this for both beating about the bush…

There has thus far never been sufficient evidence put forward to the claim that a god(s) exist.

The very best theists can do is to play semantic games, try poorly to use logical argument(kalam) which have not worked and been throughly debunked.

Why don’t you stop pussy footing around and give us your ONE best piece of evidence to support the claim, that god(s) exist.

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This is getting a like, I’m seething with jealousy I didn’t think of that, kudos. :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: