Does God Truly Exist...?

Lol :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:. Joy fantasizes about Sheldonā€™s ass!!!

See - being a newly available guy isnā€™t so bad :wink:



What objective evidence do you actually have that any god or deity exists?

If thereā€™s evidence of any afterlife lets see it so that we can start believing in some god? And what god would that be?

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Iā€™m not wasting my time responding to your juvenile ad hominem, or your facile idiotic straw men fallacies.

This was your claim:

Please offer some objective evidence for your claim.

No one is fooled by your trolling evasion. Though they may find your random capital letters, and remedial grammar a bit baffling.


Oh sheā€™s not going to like that, facts are anathema to Joylessgirl.

Yes, Iā€™ve tried to explain this, sheā€™s as blinkered and ignorant a theists as Iā€™ve encountered sadly, but one can only try.

Well she can, if she doesnā€™t mind, or isnā€™t aware of, looking like an ignorant superstitious prat.

And they are never found to be invalid?

Christ youā€™re dumb.

FYI, face value, and objectively true are fucking poles apart you halfwit.

hahaha! :joy::joy: whoooo! :joy: @Sheldon Sheldon
When I was warning did your stony heart hear? When I counseled you did your soul listen?

Now after making a Full Mockery of yourself with All your Verbosity and Self Importance, Grand Standings and Posturings, Inflammatory Statements and Uninformed Judgments your fellow atheist still went on to prove you Wrong by doing what I had respectfully counseled that you ought to do at the first? :rofl:

Your case is res-judicata!


You appear to have missed part when Cognostic stated


Oh dear, I fear you may not understand the significance of Cognosticā€™s post, though by now itā€™s predictable.

Oh really, maybe you should learn to read, and scroll to the end of his postā€¦

Oh dear, just when I thought you couldnā€™t embarrass yourself anymoreā€¦


Surely our current pigeon pair have reached the point of being poes? The wilful ignorance and sheer bloody mindedness of their posts is pretty much beyond satire.

These people are cliches. Common or garden variety hubristic believers. They have shown themselves to be impervious to reason and facts and ignorant of the most basic notions of reasoned discourse.

There still seems to be some members who enjoy shooting fish in a barrel. Not me. Iā€™m happy to just sit back and enjoy the schadenfreude. Of silly little people who insist on coming here with their fatuous personal superstitions and inane attempts at justifying such superstitionsā€¦

IRONY: tu quo que I know, but I canā€™t help but observe the difference between the way we treat believers and the way we are treated on theist Forums. Iā€™ve been to two, lasted about an hour before being banned.ā€”and then was the Egyptology forum based in Cairo. Received a death threat there. I asserted that the Quran is not a history book.

OK rant over. What can I say? Iā€™m feeling very Cranky. Iā€™m wearing my ā€˜GRUMPY OLD MANā€™ T shirt and canā€™t be arsed suffering fools. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

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Quite right brother Grump, the impenetrable vague nature of theist perception is equal only to the implausibility of their baffling comprehension of reality and events which even they confess to be beyond mere human understanding.

Not once has Henry_Shymexx, Joygirl or Jackson5 ever displayed a desire to proffer an intelligent mature response to any question put to them about their faith. Rather than answer simple questions or clarify their claims, like all good teachers should, they respond with indignation to the lack of submissive acceptance to their statements which they dogmatically hold as totally inerrant or as sacred capitalised gnostic idealisations beyond question or explanation.

All three react with less dignity than many tough and red-necked wharfies I have worked with. The responses of this theistic trio bear no resemblance to the quiet certainty of anyone confident in the assurance of their own spiritual enlightenment. Instead they rant and rail like witchdoctors vainly seeking to impose their dubious power and questionable knowledge.

For more than thirty years I have seen the same arguments and indignation paraded and stupidly defended by wave after wave of intransigent unintelligent would be cliches. On the other hand I have had the pleasure of engaging with a few exceptional theists who I still hold in high regard, who have quietly and intelligently explained and demonstrated the power of their faith and who at the same time acknowledged their doubts and uncertainties, but they are sadly few in number.

So with that experience behind me, and because I have given up hope of ever rescuing my brother from the despicable christian brethren cult who have claimed him, I find it increasingly unrewarding or even amusing to engage people like this tag team trio who seek to wrestle and rage against common sense and understanding and who only debate to please their pious vanity and shore up comforts of their saintly ignorance.

Cranky, Iā€™ll swap you one of your ā€œGRUMPY OLD MANā€ shirts for a ā€œDONā€™T ASSUME I GIVE A SHITā€ shirts.


WTF was that? Anyone get the license plate of that crazed humanoid looking thing behind the steering wheel of the passing pile of inarticulate plebeian utterance strung together in a vague semblance of English?

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Indeed it is, I think weā€™re at the point where one can simply sit back and watch the car crash of their posts.

Again I can only concur, Joylessgirl is as closed minded as they come.

Very wise, it is a thankless task to be sure. Iā€™m reminded of the quote, I believe from Mark Twain.

ā€œNever wrestle a pig, youā€™ll only get dirty, and the pig might enjoy it.ā€


I just am curious why the fucking fish :fish: keep jumping in there :woozy_face:

Well if thatā€™s your attitude, you can just un-invite yourself from the worldā€™s first monkey dunk nude paints fish fry and cat rodeo. Sorry you canā€™t make it.

The problem is that it is too easy.

Two days ago I encountered two JWā€™s doing their thing on a street corner. For some perverse reason I decided to engage them, and asked two questions. Because of what I have learned from videos and the many wonderful people in here, I brought a hydrogen bomb to their little plastic knife fight.

David!!! YOU have to share the story!!! Jesus fuckinā€™Christ- you cant leave me hangingā€¦

Just as David was about to drop his bomb, some Monkey in the park began screaming that he had found Noahā€™s Ark. The Jehovahā€™s Witnesses ran away, leaving poor David standing there among the booklets all alone.

It wasnā€™t much, too easy.

Q: Why should I worship god"
A: because he created us
Q: so that is the default position, that one should worship and adore their creator?
A: yes
Q: I own and raised goldfish to feed to my larger and more aggressive fish. So they should they worship me.


Absolutely! And if those little fuckers donā€™t stick their little gold fish heads out of the water to face you 5 times a day and mouth your name with their little gold fish lips while swishing their tails in rhythm to the syllables in your name, FRY THEM.

Reach your god like hand into the fish bowl, snatch them out of the water, and drop them into a read hot frying pan. Itā€™s the Godly thing to do.