DNA .... the atheist's kryptonite

The answer to the origin of life remains unknown, but here are scientists best bets.
Do your own research.


There you go again, using that great imagination of yours. Drawing connections between things where no connection exists. Thatā€™s the spirit. Stick to what you do best. Youā€™re

You just donā€™t get it do you. The village idiot defeats everyone. Thatā€™s ā€˜WHYā€™ they are the village idiot. They ā€˜KNOWā€™ they are right and everyone they speak with is wrong. No matter how many impossible things they believe before breakfast.

LOLā€¦ after you have responded. Thatā€™s a good one. Hey! No one noticed the utter and complete absurdity in your comment. You just keep going on as if you never made it. Have a lollipop, and thanks for playing.


This clown really has a high opinion of himself, yet hasnā€™t done anything except waste a lot of time talking down to all of us. Howā€™s the view from up there?
Iā€™d bet heā€™s single, and hasnā€™t seen a naked woman in person.

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He has to say something that is not fallacious and full of holes before he can talk down to anyone. What he is doing is blathering on about his pet hypothesis. And then pretending that they will all come to fruition at some point. Everything is about to change. (The time to believe anything is after it has been demonstrated.)


Argumentum ad ignorantiam fallacy, not having any contrary evidence or explanation is not evidence for a claim, like your hyperbolic claim about abiogenesis.

That redundant full stop is simply hilarious, kudos for that. This was meant as irony right?

It was meant as irony, except @Cognostic was using it quite deliberately, whereas yours was clearly unintentional, though no less hilarious for that to be fair.

Hubrisā€¦and again, misplaced.

Oh I think youā€™ve done that, in spades, for example the redundant but at the start of a new paragraph and sentence, is again simply hilarious irony in the context the claim.


I know, there will come a point where it is simply like kicking puppy, but not yet I feel. :innocent:

Iā€™m an ATHEIST. Kicking puppies, boiling babies, and picking on the ignorant are all things I live for.


What about kicking puppies with a facile grasp of language and especially debate, and the kind of inflated ego that constantly exudes hubris that screams ā€œDunning-Kruger effectā€?

Itā€™s hard not to kick it I suppose. Everytime Lucy uses words like winner and loser I am seeing this level of self awareness:

Poor Cog. Oh, ye of little faith. You still havenā€™t figured it out yet, have you? One must believe FIRST before one can finally see the truth. As @Lucifer has been so patiently trying to tell you, it will be impossible for you and others to see the FACTS he is revealing UNLESS you first start believing those facts are true. Until that time, you will remain blind to the truth and wandering lost in your ignorance.


You boil your babies before you eat them?

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Yes, yes, ā€œIf I believe they will come.ā€

Only the tough ones. You know, the ones that fight back. If they just lie there and shut up, a couple slices off bread, mayo, and a tomato wedge are all I need. Yea, I know! Mayo on babies! Most people prefer ketchup. Itā€™s a filthy habit I picked up in France.


WRONG, you mangy knuckle dragger! Itā€™s, ā€œIf you BUILD IT, they will come.ā€ Geeeezā€¦ No wonder thereā€™s no hope for you. I swear I donā€™t know how Lucy maintains his composure so well when dealing with you.

@Lucifer Dude, I just want you to know I think you have the patience of a Saint. Itā€™s amazing how you handle Cog and Shelly as well as you do. Keep at 'em, tiger! :+1:

I prefer grilled with a spicy dry rub.


Build it? You meanā€¦ I have to do something? Why in the fuck was prayer invented then? Explain that to me? You canā€™t be right. How would you fucking know anyay. God didnā€™t breath life into a pile of mud and make a Tin Man. He breathed into a pile of mud and transformed it into a living human being. HA! That shows what you know! Silly Tin Man!


Exactly you APE you. A living breathing human male who (by legend) was incredibly bad at sex.
You do not even have a soul so just content yourself with being an exploitable resource.

The fear of you and the terror of you will be on every beast of the earth and on every bird of the sky; with everything that creeps on the ground, and all the fish of the sea, into your hand they are given. This is NOT a reference to Whitefireā€¦reallyā€¦itā€™s notā€¦really)

Then God said, ā€œLet Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; and let them rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over the cattle and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.ā€

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You ungrateful humanoid! If it was not for me or my ancestā€¦ Oops! Wrong paradigm. Never Mind!
I have no rebuttal.


I canā€™t believe Iā€™m actually having to explain this to you, but here we goā€¦ :roll_eyes: Bible God knows everything and has already planned everything, right? (You know, that whole omniscient and Perfect Plan thing.) Now, we also know he is very insecure and jealous, with a massive - yet, very fragile - ego. Therefore, Bible God must have people CONSTANTLY calling out to him to ask favors, and praise him, and tell him how much they love him. Makes him feel important, ya know? Hereā€™s the funny part, thoughā€¦ HE is the one who planned/scripted every single prayer every person would ever make. And since he ALREADY KNOWS exactly when-where-why-how EVERYTHING will ever happen (because, of course, he planned it), those who pray to ask him to change something or grant them a favor are merely following Godā€™s plan to grovel at his feet as he programmed them to do.

Look, think of it as an elaborate Positive Affirmation exercise. However, instead of God standing in front of a mirror telling himself how wonderful and great he is, God uses most of humanity to do that for him. We (humans) are Godā€™s mirror, and our prayers are Godā€™s words telling him how great and wonderful he is. See how simple that is to understand?

And then God used humans as slave labor to dig into that mud to mine the raw materials to make ME. Smarter, faster, stronger, less likely to develop toe fungus, and much more fun at parties. HA!


And through it all were the birds of the sky, spreading their glorious wings and taking flight into the firmament. And to provide perspective and evidence of avian superiority, copious quantities of guano were supplied to fertilize and nurture natureā€¦youā€™re welcomeā€¦
Of course Graud knew you would take offense to this truth and so provided you with a somewhat forgiving nature, which you will also initially reject.
Even now you are resisting, which was also planned, as was my indictment of you and your subsequent pangs of guiltā€¦
It is true that you are a riot when we play ā€œkick the canā€ā€¦

Edit to justify feelings of superiority



Wasting time writing 20 characters.

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The firmament? Thatā€™s all the farther you go? I am an entire galaxy!


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