There’s also the little matter of him openly admitting he wouldn’t dare touch a post in which I explicitly presented Hertog’s own words, namely this one, while mendaciously accusing me of playing the same sort of apologetics with Hertog’s words that he did with purported “problems” with prebiotic chemistry.
This was his lame excuse for avoiding that post, despite being told that [1] the article I linked to therein was written by Hertog himself, and [2] I provided extensive exposition of said contents:
Of course, this sort of evasion is a familiar part of his odious track record, as well as his mendacious false accusations and blatant hypocrisy, much of it embarrassingly projective.
All the more embarrassing when even elementary observers exerting the effort to examine the material in question, can determine for themselves the level of his discoursive criminality.
He won’t dare touch that post because he knows he’ll be exposed as a blatant liar if he does.
There’s also his hilarious admission that he doesn’t understand that a concept can be represented faithfully in language in multiple ways, which on its own casts deep suspicion upon his claims to understand theoretical physics, a subject I suspect he knows less about than my tropical fish.
Sometimes, seeing mythology fanboys flounder like this is amusing, but in this instance, any laughter potential was long ago exhausted and replaced by the sort of irritation more usually associated with mosquito bites.