Characteristics of believers and Atheists


  1. disbelief or lack of belief in the existence of God or gods.

It is not a belief, or an idea, or a claim, or an ideology. So your description of believers is entirely moot.


What objective evidence can you demonstrate for any deity?

It’s not, you’re contradicting its definition to make unevidenced generalizations about atheists.

Nothing any atheist says does or thinks changes the definition of atheism.

No it doesn’t, it means you have claimed they do. Though even were your ludicrous troll in fact true, it still wouldn’t alter the definition of atheism.

Theists come here all the time and do this, some even lie in their profiles, and pretend they’re atheists and agnostics. Make of that what you will.

I’m an atheist, because I don’t believe in any deity. I am also an agnostic about all claims that are unfalsifiable, though I still of course disbelieve them, why on earth would anyone believe any claim they admit they cannot know anything about?

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