Bible writer DEBATING other Bible writer/s

Psalm 146:4 His breath goeth forth, he returneth to his earth; in that very day his thoughts perish.

Does it ever bother Christians that Jesus did his mom???


Oooooohhh SNAP! Ba-ZINGA! Du-oh!

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When I was about twelve years old I started questioning some bible verses and this one came up. I had to ask “If all things are possible, does that include the possibility that there is no God?”
Around that time one of my best friend’s father shared some insight with me about the use of the imagination to fill in the BLANKS of our knowledge or understanding. His perspective was tempered by a massive consumption of information. He regularly read a book a day, overwhelmingly non-fiction. His “take” was that in the absence of knowledge something seems to jump in to rescue the flailing argument. For him, rather than IQ it was a matter of “Blank Q” , indicating rather than intelligence, it was a blank space which had to provide the requisite “answer” or response. A sort of “pull it out of your ass” concept of the way most people operate. He was pretty hard on my friend and I when he recognized our reliance on Blank Q. The idea took hold for both my friend and I and even to this day I will identify horseshit as Blank Q.
This idea and the “motto” he shared with me around that time of “Information overload = pattern recognition” Have been quite useful.


For lack of a better term I’ve refereed to similar outcomes as “reflex logic”.

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Yeah that’s a bit more obvious than Blank Q. That is one reason I have kept BQ in my lexicon. I can say it out loud without being quite as obviously dismissive, since no one knows what the fuck I am saying. Some people get offended so easily and a lot of them are carrying here in Redneckville. :cowboy_hat_face:
It IS “reflex logic” and shares a similar characteristic with Blank Q as being an alternative to the genuine article. I find it used by people constantly. Sometimes it helps me not go the fuck off on people when I realize where their thinking is corralled. I would prefer not to have to be dismissive of others, but I have to care for my own mental well-being as well. Arguing with idiots is like playing chess with a pigeon.


Hey! Some of my best friends are pigeons! Yeahhhh… they are pretty shit chess players though.

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One of the more delicious schadenfreude moments I savoured, was when Michael Licona wrote a book, trying to make a case for “Biblical inerrancy”, but within which he tried to state that the hilarious zombie apocalypse scene in Matthew 27: 51-53 was “allegorical”.

At which point other pedlars of “Biblical inerrancy” turned on him like a pack of hyenas.

This was first covered, without any sense of irony or self-awareness, here, which led to a suitably fun thread on the subject here.

Apparently he was sacked from his job at a theological seminary over this matter.

Much fun is to be savoured when mythology fanboys start breaking out the knives to plunge into each others’ backs …


Well - just translate the bible yourself and you can fix all these “oddities”.

I grew up on the New World Translation. It says this:

SO, I had no idea other translations had zombies :woman_zombie: