Beware of Hidden Agendas

Wrong? Fucking Wrong? there is no wrong in my world…unless I am describing someone else. While you were hard at it shitting in your pants, I was splitting wood with a butter knife and remarking “JesusFuckingTits this wood is soft” …The only thing sad here is your pathetic sycophancy for “He Whose Name Shall Not Be Mentioned”…
Christ on a Fuckin’ Cracker…

Sicko-fancy??? What the hell is THAT? Some kind of well dressed perv? Hang on a sec… (searching Google)… Oh! Okay! Phew! For a minute there I thought you were trying to insult me. Although, I do wonder why you call mine pathetic. I actually thought I was pretty good at it. Are you saying you are better at it? Hey, any chance you could teach me a few good pointers to help me improve? :smiley:

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You idiot! You were not the goalpost and the game was not Koo-koo Kahmatchu. The game was gopher smash and we buried you in the ground and waited for your head to pop up so we could throw coconuts at it and bash it back down. We all got bored after a while and went home. Who knew your solar cells wouldn’t work six feet under the ground. We’re monkeys.


Wow, you just never stop with the mis-characterizing horseshit do you? We both know you are already a master of suck up and that I am but an innocent neutral observer and student :man_student: of human behavioral anomalies…so, to answer your question, because I would not want to appear to avoid any queries or be evasive in any way, considering the nature of the question compels me to ponder the motivation surrounding the origin of the question, and evaluate the legitimacy of concluding the degree of sincerity with which the question was indeed conveyed…I hope that satisfies your relentless curiosity and further illustrates my dedication to brevity…

I swear, you are legitimately unbelievable. The triple duplicity of your singular mindset is gradually becoming astoundingly droll in a most accelerated manner. Your emboldened insecurities have forced you to willingly see every attack I make as a personal affront to your securely reinforced pliable character. Based on a perceived slanderous remark you made against my own impeccably dubious persona, I recognized you were actually displaying a hightened level of expertise in a field catering to my interests. As such, I merely inquired with enthusiastic disinterest if you might be willing to share a portion of your knowledge so as to help me broaden the scope of my own expansive myopia. But rather than view my request as the backhanded compliment it vaguely appeared to be, you instead immediately jumped to the potentially justified conclusion that you were being denigrated in the same fashion as you project onto others with indirect precision. You see a reflection of me in your mirror showing the inverse of who you want to be, the reverse of who you truly are, and the converse of what you do when you think nobody is watching. Face these facts, and you will soon determine how you might come close to, but never reach, your full potential.



Ah my dear refugee from the scrap-heap…Lastly the first thing is to kindly inform you of my non-desire to entertain any semblance of interest in the meeting, aquainting, or friendship establishment to any degree of uncertainty mine or anyone else’s full partial or non-existent potential.
I suppose it is to be expected, given the definite ambiguity of the abilities of discernment possessed by contrarian individuals here-within unnamed, that any,some, or all non-complimentary flattering accolades which may or may not have been bestowed upon some or other anonymously identified persons of interest heretofore absent of interactive ambivalence, would tentatively be rejected as non-demeaning left-handed insults, possessing characteristics of servility and evasiveness.
I assure you that it has never been my lack of intention which has un-motivated me to not be deliberate in my spontaneity, but rather an absence of an insufficiency of convincing and countervailing disagreements which has led me to consider whether rash equivocations directed at my successful agitations of underlying hostilities, could be the impetus for suggesting a malicious recognition of the sheer projection of perceived motivations.
Thus and ergo, (two old acquaintances) my immediate concern now is to acknowledge the gracious and selfless lack of enthusiasm directed towards my perceived vague, yet precise, denigration of commensurate, yet vastly different, identifications of potentially beneficent elucidations
hopefully available for dissemination by involved individuals.
I thereby concede that my inappropriate personalizing of easily misunderstood, deliberately antagonistic and uncharacteristically sarcastic non-statements, may have not been as un-neccessary, as might not have seemed…

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With a bumbling grace and unstable poise accompanied by audacious humility, I shall immediately procrastinate in delivering any further perceived less-than-complimentary rebuttals to the previously before unmentioned non-issues that have not been discussed up to recently and beyond. For all frivolously practical and directly evasive purposes, my initial predetermined lack of evaluation of your questionable intellect may have been short-sighted in a 20/20 perspective. For my part, as closely as I may be somewhat concerned, I shall make arrangements to excavate a small patch of ground, place the edged wood-splitting implement within the earthen cavity, then replace the soil that was thus removed atop the device such as to cover it from view, should that be unapprovingly satisfactory to your disinterest in the matter.

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Commensurately, as my undirected motivation allows, I will place an appropriate amount of historically and culturally significant plant matter into the deliberately designed cavity of an incineration device to which a small tube is attached, thereby facilitating the ceremonial action of incineration to whit an expulsion of any feelings of negativity which may or may not be present would debateably be expulsed…if that would be arguably compatible with your previously determined dis-interest…

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Coooool, maaaaan… Like, totally groooovy, dude… Whoooa… Like, you know, like, what did you put in that incarceration, uh, incombustion, uh, incentivation… (scratching head)… Uh, you know, man, that plant burning thing, maaan… Like, that is some trippy shit, maaaan… Faaaaar out!.. (licking kitchen window)… Oh, wow, man! The snozzberries taste like snozzberries!.. (donkey bray laugh)…

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Hmmm. Was that donkey or…jackass?:wink:

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Tomato potatah… Potato tomatah…

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Yeah I just wondered…my wife keeps me straight on things of this nature.

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While I understand your point, I think it is important to recognize that striving to reach one’s full potential is a deeply personal and subjective journey. It does not always lead to unambiguous results, and the journey itself can be full of uncertainties. Nevertheless, the process of striving and pushing yourself can often lead to growth, self-discovery and meaningful achievement. Computer games also develop well, and if the game is for money, the brain works even better, but it is not always necessary to start with your money, here for example there is Rokubet no deposit bonus and you can play for now without your investment. It sounds like you have encountered people who may have lavished both complimentary and non-complimentary praise on others. Understandably, you may question the motives and sincerity of such statements, especially if they are made ambiguously or evasively. However, it is worth bearing in mind that perceptions can vary widely, and what may seem like a left-wing insult to some may be sincere praise to others.

Welcome @geradflopme

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Welcome, @geradflopme!



Or move him to his own thread.
Dear Mr. Hallmark. You have spent way too much time reading greeting cards in supermarkets. This has resulted in substituting verbosity for substance in your ability to communicate effectively with others.

What is the pursuit of one’s potential? I could potentially be a mass murderer, should I pursue it? I could be the best Christian I could possibly be, and start my own cult? I might be the one child molester who never gets caught. When you say I should achieve my full potential, to what are you referencing? (Yes, deeply personal. I love the way that rolls off your lips.)

What the fuck use was this sentence and why bother using the $3 words when you could have asked, “Do people give you praise?” or “Have you been getting positive feedback.” Of course people question ambiguous statements, that’s what I am doing with the crap you wrote. And as for left handed insults, … Your so cute!

Welcome to the site. Have you thought of thinking through what you want to say and being a bit more specific? I would suggest starting your own thread. Cheers mate!


I get your points and–while I mostly agree with you–I don’t automatically believe that having a subtle, or hidden agenda immediately disqualifies an argument. Sometimes, a hidden agenda can actually be a good thing.

As an example of what I mean, please consider gay marriage for a moment.

The religious right tried to come up with all kinds of arguments, such as that a child is best served by a mother and father, that there would be harm to society by modifying a traditional value, etc…

We all know that religion was ultimately behind these objections, but just because we don’t approve of the motive means that we automatically discard their arguments without consideration.

Just so you know, I am in favor of same-sex marriage, and I think that society will be better for it . . . but if I have the courage of my convictions, then listening and evaluating their secular arguments against gay marriage won’t hurt me.

And it’s even possible that such a dialogue might even reveal weaknesses in my own position, and for this I should be grateful.

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I love parrots, but I’m not in a situation where I can have one.

I dated a girl who had a hyacinth macaw, and this animal was very gentle, and extremely intelligent.

It could ride a skateboard, it could fetch specific toys, and it would harass the dog by deliberately dropping things on her head.

As intelligent as this bird was, however, it never seemed to talk.

which is a true sign of is intelligence if what I hear and see most days is what you mean by “talk”