Atheist vs. Satanist

lol might as well. I was wrong in my assertions that I thought they were something they weren’t. Thank you for showing me different. I will give the honors.

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This is Atheism.

There is no “Apathy” to a claim of knowledge. You either agree with the claim or you do not agree with the claim. “God exists!.” If you believe the claim you are a theist. If you do not believe the claim you are an atheist. Apathy has nothing to do with anything. Be as apathetic as you like, when the street preacher gets in your face do you believe him or not?

Most believers are not going to be apathetic towards that belief. The case I can think of; 'I’m going to hell anyway so what the fuck does it matter?"

There are loads of non-theistic religions… so what? They don’t have anything to do with Apathy. They don’t believe in god or Gods and that makes them atheistic.


No need to thank me, my approach and some of my responses I can see now were not effectively conveying my position. My apologies for my poor form, your hesitation and irritation I can certainly understand looking back now.


@SatanicMechanic @MrDawn

I wish to thank both of you for exemplary conduct and honesty. It takes an honest person to face the truth and take ownership for your actions.

Instead of doubling down and getting nasty, calling names, and hurling insults (we see that too often in here) you resolved it like responsible mature adults.


I should be the one apologizing instead. You were just trying to help. It wouldn’t have gone that far had I not been so quick to give backhanded remarks and had taken the time to thoroughly look over what was being put in front of me instead of just making snap judgments at it. I realize now that is not a tradition or a habit that I want to keep. I confess that I have been obstinate and that is not helping me when it comes to not being able recognize help when it is being given. It has been a cycle that has been difficult for me to break. It’s become a bad habit. I have learned it’s better to try and give things a chance rather than not at all. I cannot learn anything if I am too closed minded.


No worries, I’m working on just communicating better. I use to be a very quick sarcastic comeback comedic bastard. I grew up with a family dynamic of always downing each other and constantly criticizing each other. I had a very bad habit of immediately going right to any vicious verbal insult I could get in, instead of arguing the subject. I quite literally learned from the two apes that raised me to never argue the subject and just constantly criticize or diminish the other person. I also had to realize that is not who I want to be, and am now trying to use more tools in my conversation tool box than just ad hominem’s. I prided myself on being “intellectual” when I was a theist, it’s a long humbling journey to admit I’m still not where I want to be as a person.


No wait, it’s all my fault, If I had not been praying to God to confound you brains and confuse the meanings of your message long before this, none of it would have happened. I want to point out that Tin Man is equally at fault because of his ignorance of the situations. He knew the correct response all along that would have brought you to into harmony but because of his complete ignorance of human emotion, he was sitting back, enjoying the show, and wondering when you were going to get around to this. Old Man should accept his share of the blame as well. While he did nothing at all to deserve any of the blame, he will feel left out if we don’t share. So it’s nice we are all accepting our responsibility and moving forward once again. Beers all around (~)0 (~)0 (~)0 (~)0 (~)0

Not true. Not true at all. I was simply distracted by my latest edition of National Geographic. The main feature was about a pygmy tribe down in Muhoochiekoochie. Plenty of pics.

(Edit to ask: Uh, what was the problem again?)

Uh, wait… You USE TO BE? :unamused:… Care to revise that statement? Because it’s obvious you are slow and no longer comedic. As for the rest, though… :thinking:

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Used to be, as I said I used to think I was intelligent. I have since learned my lesson papa. Lol

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Oh, okay. Good. Safer to know your limits. Last time I started thinking I was intelligent, it ended up with a hospital visit. Lesson learned.

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“I like Turtles.” And I have monkey feet.

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Hello, Kellii

It’s not only in the US, it can exist in any part of the world. In my home country, Egypt, people think an atheist means a person with no morals, I know that 'cause it was my thoughts while practicing my ex-religion (Islam) till I realized as a result that being atheist has nothing to be satanist-like. There’s a fun fact I see that atheists are more with morals than most of Muslims, Christians, etc

In the end, this phenomenon is globally spread out.


Over 99% of all theists do not literally practice their holy book. For example, in the christian book one is commanded to take unruly children to the outskirts of town and stone them to death. They do not realize it, but they are being subjective in picking and choosing rules they consider objective.

But they do not think it through.

For most atheists, when they apply morals, they actually think it through and consider the implications and consequences.