Aren't we all agnostic?

Sorry but you have made two mutually exclusive claims there? Either something is false or there is an infinitesimally small chance it is true, but it can’t be both.

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If someone says to you “unicorns are fake”, do you accept it or say: There’s an infinitely small chance unicorns do exist so I don’t believe you". If it’s the first reaction then there is nothing about my assetion theat’s “sweeping”.

And you clearly missed the point of my whole comment that “the chances of some things are so infinitesimally small that as a species we give ourselves a right to claim they are false.“Desit phiolosophy” as are all gods is the same as “unicorn” philosophy” above, we can safely ignore that which has no evidence whatsoever and classify it “fake” without consideration of those deluded into believing it true

That is very unfortunate for you. I found out that unicorns were made up and fake, long before I was capable of applying “objective evidence”. Maybe you were just a late starter whose parents kept you believing in unicorns into your 20’s.

Oh so the atheists aren’t supposed to address the theists. You should advise the site moderators so they know. Or arejust talking rubbish?

Well, if you had actually “carefully considered the arguments and evidence made for deities” which are worshiped on earth (the only ones of relevance) you would have realised they are all falsifiable. Now go and see if you can figure out why.

Ah Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha!!! Hate to break this to you but, at the time people didn’t debate continental drift it was because no one had thought of it or observed it. Because you fail to think about what you are saying let me enlighten you: If no one had created “unicorns” no one would have been denying their existence as being infinitesimally small. People have invented gods. Try again…

Is he debating in favour of theism or is it just because he’s batsh#t crazy? If he’s just batsh#t crazy, you could be right. Do let me know.

As is always the case, it is the person claiming the theory is true that has to prove it true, not the person claiming it is false to prove it false i.e. clearly I am right until I am proved wrong (which will be confirmed by the fact I will never be proved wrong). Seriously, you didn’t know that? WOW?!

I have made it clear I do not claim there are no deities as fact but I do say there are no deities worshiped on earth that are true. (And I won’t be going into that here god by god. I will prove the god oof Abraham false at some time of my choosing.) As I said and left with you, all gods worshiped on earth are falsifiable, it’s up to you to figure out why.

If you were able to comprehend my comment (which is actually a requirement of responding and maybe why you get everything wrong) you would knw there is no contradiction (figure it out).

And my role is not to consider arguments from theists with regard to a god that I know doesn’t exist. That would be a real contradiction.

Look up ccognitive and dissonance.

Taking another walk away from comprehension? Why don’t you just try to keep up. Either print off the comments and read them until you comprehend or ask someone with an IQ over 75 to assist. How many time does this have to be explained to you before you catch on?

You are only amazed because you failed to comprehend it the first four time it was said. Would you like me to speak to you as I would a 5 year old? If that’s the case, it will only be bye bye.

And if you ever manage to comprehend anything being said you will realise that it changes nothing. In the absense of an actual definition of consciousness, it will always remain, to claim it requires a god, the person claiming it will have to prove consciouness exist and define it.

Please, try to wake up.

You claimed it was false, and simultaneously claimed there was an infinitesimally small chance it was true, it cannot be both. Changing the target of the claim from a deity to a unicorns only demonstrates you have no clue what you actually said, or why it is demonstrably erroneous.

It was an absolute claim, it is therefore the very definition of a sweeping claim, since the assertion involved all and any concepts of deities. You could not possibly evidence your claim, because as has been explained, it is unfalsifiable in the sweeping generic sense you made it.

On the contrary I very carefully explained why why your point is irrational, since you’re using an argumentum ad populum fallacy. I also explained that @cognostics response was relevant, and why. I can only assume you have either not read, or not understood my response? I suggest you learn what an argumentum ad populum fallacy is, and why it applies to your claim. Also why the odds against something being true, don’t negate it being true, you are simply wrong.

Do you really imagine ad hominem will make your asinine facile reasoning more compelling? Either way your hubris here is misplaced, and I am trying to help you stop making yourself appear so ill-informed, but if all you want is to exchange petty insults, then trust me I am happy to oblige. Consider this your first and last warning.

I can only suggest you read it again, and try and respond in a way that demonstrates that you have more than a remedial grasp of English, and so understood what I said, then perhaps you can avoid this rather absurd straw man fallacy. You’re either trolling or illiterate, I am struggling to see a third option there?

That was entirely my point, dear oh dear.

Whilst i am delighted always when someone can expand my woefully small pool of knowledge, I am a little dubious it is going to be someone who hasn’t the most basic grasp of grammar, and a woeful grasp of English.

Why are you repeating my point back to me verbatim, when it demonstrates you were wrong to make your sweeping claim in absence of sufficient evidence or knowledge?

Jesus wept, I’ll dumb it down with bullet points for you:

  1. @Cognostic is an atheist, you can ascertain this yourself by looking at anyone’s profile.
  2. The claim you assigned him was a straw man, since he didn’t make that claim, I can make that any simpler for you sorry. You are hurling insults at someone who is both far more intelligent, and far better educated than your posts suggest you are, because you have not understood what he has said, and appear not to understand what you have said.

Firstly you made a claim, it was not a theory, secondly since you made a claim, then just as you assert here, that claim carries a burden of proof, which I asked you to demonstrate some objective evidence for, and of course you can’t, which is what I and other posters are trying to help you understand, all in vain it appears. Perhaps this is one of those occasions where the bible’s observations on educating certain demographics may be correct. However I shall take one more pass at this, here is your claim again:

Can you, or can you not, demonstrate any objective evidence to support your claim that no god exists? I urge you to take your time, and try and think before you answer.

Dear oh dear.

Then do please demonstrate some objective evidence to support this weeping assertion? As @Cognostic tried to explain, deism presents an unfalsifiable concept of a deity, and I invite you to strive hard to understand why making a claim about an unfalsifiable concept cannot be evidenced.

Since it is your claim it is for you to properly explain and evidence it, and you are yet again woefully wrong. Again deism presents a concept of deity that is unfalsifiable.

My comment was not responding to anything you had said, it was in response to this from @Cognostic.

So I invite you to understand how idiotic a comment that really was,rather ironically that wasn’t remotely stupidest thing you have said either.

Then again I am left wondering why you are presenting arguments against deities to an exclusively atheistic audience as if they have no carefully considered them already. Especially since your augments are so facile and poorly reasoned.

Yet you are doing precisely that, I am starting to wonder of this is not an elaborate windup?

Your claims are mutually exclusive, until you can understand that simple fact I fear you will continue to bang your chest as if you have said something profound, rather than said something that is profoundly stupid.

I think what we are dealing with here is the Dunning-Kruger effect writ large.

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And you also have the right to look and sound like an idiot when challenged on your assertion. Then you can backstop and assert "I meant nearly certain.’ as you eventually did with your claim that there are no Gods. It’s the exact same backstop that you have already done. You are pretending to know shit that you can not possibly know. You have been asked for the evidence and you have produced nothing. That should bother the hell out of you. It’s a sad thing that it does not.

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It can be objectively demonstrated that the character exists as a cartoon character.

I don’t know why you keep using the word sustainable to describe evidence, I don’t think sustainable means what you think it does. It surely is more compelling for evidence to be objective, than that it can be upheld or defended, since theists do this all the time, what I have never seen a theists or apologist do is demonstrate any objective evidence for any deity, or any rational argument that a deity is even possible.

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Sorry I generally dumb my comments down for those who struggle to comprehend and, after all I am talking with you.

So it’s pathetic attempts at insults backed up by comments which can only SUSTAIN you have actually nothing to say.

I think it’s time for me to stop playing with the kiddies. Kicking your asses has become boring.

Once again you have demonstrated your imagination and lack of creativity does not extend into your ability to fling insults. You were doing so well in your posts. You should probably stick with what you know best. When it comes to insults, you appear to be suffering from delusions of adequacy. Well, come to think of it, I guess that is true of your posts as well. You just remind me of one of those Russian dolls; full of yourself. Thanks for playing and you can pick up your participation tropy on your way out.


I don’t think the facile irrational bombast you’ve posted can be dumbed down if I’m being honest.

Again one can only marvel at this lack of self awareness.

Or you could stop projecting, and try and learn something. I have little hope at this point, but feel obliged to try and help anyone as desperately ill-informed as your posts suggests you are. However you are of course free to leave if you want, indeed as you lied previously that you were going to, almost as if your ego won’t allow you to tolerate anyone disagreeing with your hubristic bombast, as a matter of fact exactly like that, but at the same time lacking the ability to see or even try to understand why they disagree.

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Ask one of those adults if they can explain the fucking quote function to you. :roll_eyes:

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At least you got that part right. Another fucking quote. This is just so tiresome.

Fixed it for you.

Now tell us all again how you can predict the future? As you claimed there “never would be any evidence for any deity”, I’m intrigued as to what magic powers you think you have? Beyond your manifest superpower to create asinine arguments by overusing hyperbole of course. Oh and since you still don’t understand the word, that claim where you asserted “there never would be any evidence for any deity”, is an example of the kind of ludicrous hyperbole I am talking about.