An Atheist Still Fearing Death

You just don’t listen. Or you are not reading. Why are you picking on the Christian god. For six million years human beings have invented gods and magical beings. The Christian bullshit came about just two thousand years ago. How in the fuck are you ruling out every other religion on the planet for this one? You are like a lunatic who is afraid of a bunny rabbit. Not all bunny rabbits, just this one bunny rabbit. It’s complete nonsense. There is no more evidence for the Christian version of an afterlife than there is for the afterlife of any other magical faith based faith system and yet you choose to wallow in ignorance of this one.

Pagels … “The Origins of Satan” A great book. Where in the fuck did all these stupid ideas come from? I keep telling you that the more you know the dumber these ideas will sound to you. Hell is a Christian invention. It is a made up story. It is not in the Old Testament. Neither is the idea of an eternal soul. Your fear is based on a complete lack of knowledge and an unwillingness to do the work to end it.

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My sister actually does that. She belongs to an organisation where people take their dog to aged care facilities. Sis has a wonderful Scots Collie. (her third) The only thing the inmates like more than a dog is a small child. Of course that was out of the question for a few months because of covid19.

Sis likes being around old people. Me, not so much . However, I listen to music for old farts on the radio. Also belong to a men’s group. (age range from 58 to 86) As you can imagine with such an age group, people keep popping their clogs. Seven have die in the last 3 years.
Also go to a discussion group at the University Of The Third Age (I’m the baby of the group)—more correctly, I used to go. Both remain closed due to the fucking virus.

Yes, I have some great memories, such as falling in love for the first time----longest period was the14 months I spent in Malaysia and Singapore courtesy of the Australian army. Worked as a medic and loved it—Had some fantastic trips during the 1980’s. I don’t have a scanner or I’d post some pics. I’ll see what I can do, my phone camera has 23 megapixels. Do you think that might provide some reasonable copies?

During the debate, Kamala Harris stated that one goal of Biden’s administration is to decriminalize pot.

It’s called self-preservation, and is universal among all living organisms. So you’re hardwired to feel that way. It’s a logical result of evolution.

So what? You’ll die eventually, anyway. Can’t avoid it. And while you are still alive, you can make a series of choices. You can be an egoistic prick and maximise your own comfort and well-being at the cost of reduced comfort and well-being of others, or you can take the consequence of you living in a community, interdependent of other people, and minimise your friction with your family/friends/local community/greater community, and perhaps even contribute to it. Contribute to the well-being of your family/friends/community, and there is a greater chance that they will contribute to your well-being. Be an asshole, and be prepared for family/friends/community to treat you as an asshole. You don’t need religion to guide you through this, just common sense and a social antenna (which, hopefully, is coded in your genes, courtesy of evolution).

In short: be an asshole => be treated as an asshole by others. Be nice to your fellow living beings => reap the benefits. In this life and in a hypothetical after-life.

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Yes I figure neither one exists.

I have nothing to lose then.

And when I can back to my pot.

If there was something after death I figure someone would have visited me by now.

So right on man.

About time.

Marijuana, heroin and cocaine were all legal her well into the twentieth century.

My attitude has long been legalisation of illegal drugs and harm minimalisation. There will always be addicts. In my opinion a government has an obligation to ensure such people do as little harm as possible to themselves and society and at lowest practical cost.

EG: not sure if this is still the case; Sydney had sanctioned ‘shooting rooms’ for addicts. A safe environment and clean needles. That almost certainly saved lives (and cost to the community)-

—Now if they would only legalise heroin, control, licence and tax it, relatively few people would die from heroin addiction. This would save the community a lot of cost and grief, and of course there would be a goodly tax revenue…

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That’s a fear of dying, not death. Dying we all experience, its inevitable, there’s no evidence we can experience death, which is the state of no longer being alive.

I fear dying, but not death…


That is more than enough “megapixels” to get the job done, but it is not the only factor in good pictures. How is the source material? Make sure to take the pictures in the best lighting possible. (Daylight is best.)

I gave up the printer and scanner a while ago, I use a recent flagship phone, and taking pictures via my phone is faster and better than scanners.

You can, and probably should digitize any physical pictures you have that you care about.

Proper cameras and view screens have actually surpassed the human eye (in some ways) at this point. Be a bit before the technology filters down to highly affordable every day use for everyone, but should happen within the next few years.


It seems like you are fearing the possibility of one boogie man out of many (Hollywood has it’s own as well). We grow out of the ones Hollywood created. Some grow out of the ones religions have created. Your time to grow out of it may still come. If it makes you feel any better replace the angry gods with another one that doesn’t frighten you. I’ll leave that up to your imagination.

What if theists are right you ask? Damned if we live and damned if we die. I haven’t heard of a single person that has not suffered in one way or another. Live your life and create your paradise as best as possible. Thinking of life is more important than thinking of death. Life we can change, death is coming whether we like it or not.

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My god came from the mind of David Kirschner, as Fievel is as close as I get to a god. And I believe others are correct I am more afraid of dying than I am about death itself.

As long as I listen and learn, death is probably not scary at all.

I know I have to die someday, I guess I just have to except that.

Bravo, well said.

Now we just have to coax Fievel away from constantly thinking of death and hell.

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Thanks for that.

Best of the first attempt: 1989 Rottnest Island, Western Australia .A few miles off the coast from Perth. It’s a former Penal settlement. The little creature is a Quokka

A happy memory. We had driven across the Nullabor Plain in our little 1500cc Nisan Pulsar. That was fun.

Well if what Morgan Freeman says is right I am scared for a big fat nothing. Nothing after death and cease to be. No hell, no heaven just nothing. But if they can save my brain for later like what Larry King says about cryogenics and being frozen maybe I can live another lifetime but I would of course want to be a boy again. Would be the only way I could have another go around. But 100s of years from now, could I actually survive in the future world and be happy? I wouldn’t know anyone and would have to learn a lot of new stuff. Of course he’s a little nuts, but makes sense.

The only way to live another lifetime would be that.

This might just be enough for me.

But I will try to leave pieces behind even though I can not go on after death. The idea is religious only that one doesn’t have to die. So being afraid of it is ridiculous. If there’s nothing there there’s nothing to fear.

Edit; Went to post this and the site crashed. Had to wait to post this.

Please, tell me why you keep referring to Morgan Freeman as some form of authority figure? He is JUST AN ACTOR READING FROM A SCRIPT. In fact, with a little research “The Story of God with Morgan Freeman” was written by …

Lisa Singer Haese … (1 episode, 2017)
Frank Kosa … (6 episodes, 2016)
Scott Tiffany … (6 episodes, 2016)
James Younger … (12 episodes, 2016-2019)

What exactly are you referring to? What did Freeman say that has your attention?

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I’m not sure why he would want to do that? Creating less worrisome fictions doesn’t strike me as the answer.

On that we can certainly agree.

If you’re in your 20s or younger, you don’t have to worry. You’re invulnerable and immortal. You’ll never die.

In your 30s, 40s, and 50s you can’t die because your bank, credit card company, and car loan company won’t let you. If you want someone to pray for you to live a long life, buy a life insurance policy.

In your 60s and beyond, death will start to look like the cure for all pain and sorrow. It’s not something you welcome necessarily, but it is an insurance policy against an endless living hell.

Don’t fear death. Fear dementia. Look after your brain. It’s all you are.

Snap. I watched my dad die by inches over 5 years. He would have good days where he was relatively lucid… Those days were horrible to see…

I fear arteriosclerosis most of all. My dad had it from his mid 70’s, same as his father. That was once called senile dementia.

I do my best to use my mind every day and stay physically active. The days still pass far too quickly.

Same with my mother. It started with hallucinations and paranoia and progressed to total death of personality. Her body died several years after that at the age of 92.

I’m sorry to hear that.

My mother lived for 13 years after dad died . She was lucid to the end. She had a Advance Care Directive in place and it was invoked, by her.