Category Topics

Debate Room

Atheism is a boundless subject and while some atheists may be very lax about their beliefs, some others may aim to achieve certain objectives. Just as devout believers have their own ideas and agendas, unswerving non-believers have their own. The Debate Room at Atheist Republic is a forum that urges people from both ends of the spectrum and even those in between to have healthy interactions, exchange opinions and participate in debates about any topic.

Random Fun

This room is open to everyone for posting fun, interesting, random items that have nothing to do with a/theism.
Remember, this is a place for fun, not squabbling.

Atheist Book Club

Books serve as an ideal resource to learn more about any subject. For those of you who identify themselves as bookworms and never cease to learn more about atheism, the Book Club at Atheist Republic will serve as a great place to find new and refreshing recommendations of the same.


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